Sharks, underwater airplanes, bragging looters: The fake news about Harvey

  • 29 August 2017
Tweet saying believe it or not, this is a shark on the freeway in Houston, Texas. Image copyright Twitter/@jeggit

As rescue operations continue in Texas and Louisiana, a number of fake stories and false rumours have circulated online about Tropical Storm Harvey. BBC Trending has spotted some of the most viral fakes:

Looters were not bragging on Twitter

Thousands of tweets were sent using hashtags such as #Harveylootcrew or #Houstonlootcrew. The most popular images being shared showed wrecked shops, and expensive phones and computers. Some were posted by accounts labelled as "satire" or "parody", and others were on obvious hoax accounts - ones set up in the last few days and which were tweeting exclusively about looting.

Image copyright Twitter/@illegalest/HuffingtonPost
Image caption This tweet claimed to show Harvey damage but the photo is actually from Hurricane Sandy in 2012
Image copyright Twitter/@Worthog117
Image caption Another hoax photo purporting to be of looters in Houston shows men outside a shop. The giveaway is the the area code "314" - which denotes the St Louis area, 800 miles away

Hoaxers have used social media to exaggerate reports of looting during previous disasters and protests - for instance during Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey in 2012 and the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.

In Houston, there were some reports of theft, but on a small scale. Police Chief Art Acevedo said four people were arrested on Monday.

This photo does not show Houston's airport

A photo of submerged planes made the rounds online, purporting to be an image of Houston's flooded airport.

Read full article Sharks, underwater airplanes, bragging looters: The fake news about Harvey

Hold on, isn't that stock image Nicola Sturgeon?

  • 29 August 2017
American media company Vox used an image of Nichola Sturgeon peering into a microscope as a stock image of a scientist. Image copyright AFP/@voxdotcom
Image caption Pictured: Not Rep. John Conyers

We all make mistakes at work but luckily for most of us, millions of people aren't privy to it.

American news and media website Vox published yesterday an article about an American politician's health care proposal. It is a hefty analysis of how the bill would affect millions of Americans.

Read full article Hold on, isn't that stock image Nicola Sturgeon?

The silencing of a Yemeni social media star

  • 28 August 2017

When the Twitter account of a prominent Yemeni political commentator and high-profile social media user fell silent on 14 August, it did not go unnoticed.

Hisham Al-Omeisy is usually a prolific tweeter, known for his updates, in both English and Arabic, about the social and humanitarian crisis in his country.

Read full article The silencing of a Yemeni social media star

West Africa steams over jollof rice war

  • 26 August 2017
Jollof rice dish Image copyright Shutterstock

Which nation makes the best jollof rice?

This simple question has grown into a fierce debate in some West African countries, where jollof rice is a national delicacy.

Read full article West Africa steams over jollof rice war

Does President Macron's make-up bill make you blush?

  • 25 August 2017
Emmanuel Macron Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Not everyone is made up about the money spent

Since Emmanuel Macron became President of France in May 2017 he has spent approximately 26,000 euros (£24,000) on make-up, an amount that has left many social media users blushing.

The French weekly news magazine Le Point claimed this amount was spent on a personal make-up artist who was "hired to beautify" Macron.

Read full article Does President Macron's make-up bill make you blush?

Far-right smear campaign against Antifa exposed by Bellingcat

  • 24 August 2017
Two images of Anna Friel from a domestic violence campaign. The doctored image, on the left, features an anti-fascist logo and the caption "53% of white women voted for Trump. 53% of white women should look like this" Image copyright Twitter/Womens Aid
Image caption Falsified pictures circulating on social media (l) include an image of Anna Friel from a 2007 anti-domestic violence campaign (r)

Far-right activists are using fake Twitter accounts and images of battered women to smear anti-fascist groups in the US, an online investigation has revealed.

The online campaign is using fake Antifa (an umbrella term for anti-fascist protestors) Twitter accounts to claim anti-fascists promote physically abusing women who support US President Donald Trump or white supremacy.

Read full article Far-right smear campaign against Antifa exposed by Bellingcat

Can a hashtag with mistaken grammar break the internet?

  • 23 August 2017
Image copyright @roaa_sabry1

A hashtag encouraging people from the Middle East to "break the internet" has been tweeted more than 53,000 times in less than 48 hours.

Middle Eastern communities and people have been using #MiddleEasternsBreakTheInternet to share pictures, despite the grammatical error in the hashtag.

Read full article Can a hashtag with mistaken grammar break the internet?

Louise Linton: The photo, the hashtags and the sarcasm

  • 22 August 2017
photo of Louise Linton and Steve Mnuchin disembarking a US Air Force plane Image copyright Instagram
Image caption The now private post by Louise Linton has caused quite a storm on social media

It's commonplace to post photos of trips and special occasions on social media, but as the actress Louise Linton found out, people didn't respond well to the hashtags she used in one of her posts.

Ms Linton, an Edinburgh-born actress who is married to the US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, posted on her Instagram account a photo of her and her husband disembarking a US Air Force jet in Kentucky, adding various hashtags of the designer labels she was wearing.

Read full article Louise Linton: The photo, the hashtags and the sarcasm

Spanish swimmer sacrifices race for attacks victims

  • 21 August 2017
Fernando Alvarez Image copyright Club Natacion Cadiz
Image caption Fernando Alvarez was competing in the FINA World Masters Championships

As the buzzer signalled the start of the 200 metre breaststroke final in the FINA World Masters Championships in Budapest, one competitor stood still as others raced away.

But Fernando Alvarez had not frozen, overawed by the occasion.

Read full article Spanish swimmer sacrifices race for attacks victims

Darkened skylines and ribbons: Solidarity for Barcelona

  • 18 August 2017
World Trade Center, New York Image copyright AFP
Image caption New York's World Trade Center's spire was lit red and yellow - the colours of Spain's flag

What happened in Barcelona on Thursday has shocked the world and as some have been pointing out, attacks like these are becoming increasingly common.

Gruesome images are being shared over and over on social media after a van drove into crowds at Barcelona's popular tourist spot Las Ramblas, killing 14 and injuring many more.

Read full article Darkened skylines and ribbons: Solidarity for Barcelona