Donald TuskAccount verificato


Twitter channel of Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. Managed by the media team.

Iscritto a settembre 2010


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  1. 12 ore fa

    Good talks in The Hague this evening with Rutte on and the June agenda.

  2. 18 ore fa

    In Budapest with PM Orbán to discuss migration and our June next week.

  3. 21 ore fa

    In Vienna for talks with on migration and upcoming Austrian EU presidency .

  4. 21 giu

    On the phone with Taoiseach to consult on , , and .

  5. 21 giu

    Good phone consultations with PM ahead of our June next week. And SORRY for disturbing in the middle of the match between Denmark and Australia. :-)

  6. 21 giu

    Phone call with PM on next week’s discussion of migration, EMU, Brexit and trade. Good consultations.

  7. 21 giu

    Concrete and positive consultations with President to prepare the June .

  8. 21 giu

    Good phone call with PM to discuss next week’s on , , and .

  9. 20 giu

    Happy to meet PM in Rome after . Good discussion ahead of next week on the need to stem illegal migration.

  10. 19 giu

    Good first meeting in Madrid with PM to discuss our agenda next week. We can all learn from Spain how to handle illegal migration effectively.

  11. 19 giu

    In Stockholm to consult with PM Löfven ahead of our June next week on , and .

  12. 18 giu

    Meeting PM today to consult on , and before next week’s .

  13. 14 giu

    Good phone call with on ahead of June .

  14. 13 giu

    Решението за спорот околу името на премиерите и нуди единствена можност за рестартирање на евроатланската интеграција на регионот. Тоа не треба да се пропушти. Прочитајте ја нашата заедничка изјава:

    , , e altri 2
  15. 13 giu

    Η λύση των ΠΘ και στη διαφορά του ονοματολογικού αποτελεί μοναδική ευκαιρία επανεκκίνησης της ευρωατλαντικής ολοκλήρωσης στην περιοχή. Δεν πρέπει να χαθεί. Διαβάστε την κοινή μας δήλωση:

    , , e altri 2
  16. 13 giu

    PM and PM solution to the name dispute offers unique opportunity to relaunch Euro-Atlantic integration of the region. It shouldn't be wasted. Read our joint press statement:

    , , e altri 2
  17. 13 giu

    Productive meeting with President .

  18. 12 giu

    Συγχαρητήρια στον ΠΘ και τον ΠΘ . Εύχομαι ευτυχή έκβαση. Χάρη σε σας, το αδύνατο γίνεται δυνατό.

  19. 12 giu

    Искрени честитки за премиерите и . Ви држам среќа. Благодарение на вас, невозможното станува возможно.

  20. 12 giu

    Sincere congratulations to PM and PM . I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks to you the impossible is becoming possible.


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