

An Indigenous Mother/Student/Social Activist/ShitShaker seeking change for the betterment of Socially disadvantaged ppl.

Treaty 6
Iscritto a marzo 2015


Hai bloccato @denesulinewoman

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  1. Tweet fissato
    23 mar 2017
  2. 4 ore fa

    Yay! Power to the people!💯💪 Got mad love & respect for my southern brothers & sisters!❤🙏 As I said yesterday. Lets put many Teepee's up!👌

  3. 9 ore fa

    See you all there. Have a couple floats to walk with or maybe ill just watch this year!👍👌

  4. 9 ore fa
  5. 10 ore fa

    I use to feel pride but Indigenous women NEED to know that White women who arnt even Canadian can get away with harassing & stalking you. Especially while your children watch! .........more to come

  6. 12 ore fa

    Haha. There was a high police presence lastnight, while Indigenous Warriors put the Tipi back up!💪❤💯👌👍 Our ancestors were with them! Hiy hiy!🙏❤

  7. ha ritwittato
    23 ore fa

    "The land is sacred. It belongs to the countless numbers who are dead, the few that are living and the multitudes of those yet to be born." Penan, Malaysia. Protect this planet, she's the only one we will ever know.

  8. 23 ore fa

    I witnessed at its finest today.💯 Individuals from were handing out buckets of ice cold water & pop to the walkers!👍 You guys rock!

  9. 22 giu
    Questo Tweet non è disponibile.
  10. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    unbelievable! on , breaks story of health minister perpetuating anti-Inuit stereotypes in response to a question about campaign. systemic racism, anyone?

  11. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    South Africa: Tensions between white farmers and black population fuel fears of 'civil war'

  12. 22 giu

    ATTENTION PLEASE! This is how POWERFUL a Tipi is, they have patrol cars patrolling JUST in case it goes back up!💪

  13. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    STC closure creates economic hardship for rural business owners. "Even third-world countries had public transportation to help people move about and connect."

  14. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    This art by aims to highlight the ongoing crisis of in Canada on .

  15. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Happy National Indigenous day Canada! Where Indigenous parents who have set up camp to bring awareness of Canada separating families are hauled away because Canada doesn’t want to face its own ugly on Canada Day celebrations July 1.

  16. 21 giu
  17. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Researchers searching for child graves near abandoned Saskatchewan residential school

  18. 21 giu

    Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!👌 Love & soo much heat is in the air.😝😛

  19. 21 giu

    Yup. It lives in our blood. My daughter watched, "We were Children," my family didnt go to residential schools but she cried.😪😞 Intergenerational Trauma is real!

  20. ha ritwittato

    Have you seen the Medicine Wheel addition to the Toronto sign for It will be back for the Celebration on October 9-11, 2018.

    , , e altri 5
  21. 21 giu

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