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Stay tuned & participate in worldwide activities ahead of World Refugee Day
#WithRefugees !@Le_HCR …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Appel à candidatures pour le Prix de l'Innovation
@UNHCRInnovation "L'humain d'abord" Pour les ONG qui souhaitent tester de nouvelles approches, idées qui amplifieront l'efficacité & les services aux réfugiés, personnes déplacées ou Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
"اكرر القول بأن الآلاف من الأرواح البريئة سوف تزهق ما لم يتم القيام بعمل عاجل"
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750,000 lives are in danger in South West Syria. More than 320,000 people are displaced incl. 60,000 people camped at the Nasib/Jaber border crossing with Jordan. Thousands of innocent lives are going to be lost if urgent action is not taken. …
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"I am gravely concerned for the civilian population caught in the crossfire in South West
#Syria, including airstrikes and heavy shelling. An estimated 750,000 lives are in danger." -@RefugeesChief … via@refugeesThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Fadma Retweeted
There is no migration/refugee crisis in Europe. Very low arrival and "secondary movement" figures are the opportunity for EU states to focus together on real issues like asylum reform, safe pathways and more+better aid to refugee hosting+transit
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My statement of today on the critical situation of civilians in South-West Syria.
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Retour sur la Journée mondiale du réfugié à
@Gro_ndControl pour célébrer la rencontre avec@SINGA_FRANCE@BSF_France@wintegreat@lafabnomade@Franceterdasile@CSF_France Afrika Tiss VidéoTheodore Seize & Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Thanks for reminding us these shocking numbers, decisions to cut rescue at sea capacities also lead to more deaths …
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@FCBarcelona Foundation for standing#WithRefugees - on World#RefugeeDay and everyday! …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Retour sur la participation de
@UNHCRfrance à la formation intensive sur le droit des#réfugiés … …
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Central Mediterranean Sea, solutions can be found for a better management of mixed movements on both sides of the Mediterranean …
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Ne ratez pas le film Parvana, en salle en ce moment
, une histoire touchante sur l'Afghanistan d'aujourd'hui et une belle manière de sensibiliser le jeune public à la situation des
#réfugiés et à la manière de les protéger. La bande-annonce
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In the past few days, we have witnessed different examples of Spanish solidarity with refugees. Thank you
@JosepBorrellF for highlighting it. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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"Derrière chaque urgence, il y a des femmes, des hommes et des enfants qui cherchent à survivre et à se reconstruire malgré les marques laissées par la guerre et la violence. Pour ces personnes-là, partir n’était pas une option"
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« Au-delà des solutions de première urgence, des politiques, il y a la réponse de citoyens. C’est là que commence le partage de la responsabilité à l’égard des réfugiés. Ce sont ces communautés locales qui changent les choses. »
@Ce_Schmitt dans@lemondefr Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Fadma Retweeted
Beaucoup de pays riches ferment leurs portes aux réfugiés. Le Niger
partage avec eux ses maigres ressources. Je suis honoré de célébrer avec le peuple et les leaders de cette généreuse nation africaine la Journée Mondiale du Réfugié.
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Fadma Retweeted
Faciliter l’intégration par le dialogue des cultures : je salue l'initiative de
@Gro_ndControl@UNHCRfrance à l’occasion de la#JournéeMondialeDesRéfugiés. Rencontres, expo photo et concerts pour échanger, partager, créer du Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Fadma Retweeted
Today, 20 June is World Refugee Day. In 2017, forced displacement figures reached 68.5 million people: higher than the population of the United Kingdom. Message from
@antonioguterres: …. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Fadma Retweeted
Flying tonight from Libya to Niger with 122 refugees freed from detention centers in Tripoli. Hopefully they will be resettled to third countries soon. This programme is crucial: it provides safe, orderly alternatives to people smuggling and
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The numbers are staggering, make us wonder why we should care when it's so overwhelming. We care because each of the 44,440 people forced to flee every day could be our mothers, brothers, teachers, friends, doctors. They could be our children & us. Stand
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