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Shabia Mantoo
UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency () Spokesperson for via Geneva HQ, MENA, Asia Pacific + London. Globaphilic Aussie-Brit. Usual caveats
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Rasha Jarhum رشا Aug 26
Youth find a way to graduate in a city devastated by daily armed conflict & besiged for two years
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
Samuel Cheung Aug 25
GPC In-Focus Facing Triple Crisis: Conflict, Famine & Cholera, clear example of conflict creating catastrophe
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Jamie McGoldrick Aug 24
2/2 My plea to member States supporting the parties in :Step in and protect civilians or you are just as guilty of IHL violations.
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
Jamie McGoldrick Aug 24
1/2 Appeals to protect civilians in fall on deaf ears. 25 people-including 6 children killed in an airstrike. Violence must stop.
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 25
Replying to @Shabia_M
This is why "Civilian Protection " is in fact a misnomer in the Yemen context.
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 25
Replying to @Shabia_M
It's shocking and completely unacceptable that an average of 75 people are killed or injured each day in Yemen because of conflict.
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 25
More carnage in Yemen- civilians including children tragically killed in Sana'a.
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UN Geneva Aug 25
This morning Elisabeth Throssell, spokesperson for informed the press of airstrike attacks on civilians in
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 25
editorial on "the slaughter of children" and why imperative "to search for a humane end to ’s hell"
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Mohamad Ali Harissi Aug 25
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen Aug 23
Replying to @UNHCRYemen
UNHCR reminds parties to the conflict of their obligation to ensure respect for civilian lives.
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen Aug 23
Replying to @UNHCRYemen
UNHCR has warned that the Yemen conflict is intensifying w/air raids + ground clashes increasing in 2017 exacting a brutal toll on civilians
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen Aug 23
Replying to @UNHCRYemen
as the remains of those deceased are still being identified and recovered.
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen Aug 23
Replying to @UNHCRYemen
UNHCR is following up with partners and local authorities to ascertain more information on the incident
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen Aug 23
UNHCR is deeply saddened by the tragic reports of civilian deaths, in the north of Sana'a.
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 23
Replying to @Shabia_M
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 23
Replying to @Shabia_M
The impact on civilians is disproportionate. They are the ones bearing the brunt of conflict in Yemen.
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 23
As of mid 2017 hostilities in Yemen have already intensified and increased in comparison to the whole of 2016
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Shabia Mantoo Aug 23
Reports of civilian casualties north of Sana'a - info being verified
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
AFP news agency Aug 23
More than 30 killed, including civilians, in Yemen air raid: aid official
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