Marie-Claude BibeauVerified account


Députée de Compton-Stanstead - M.P. | Ministre du Développement international et de la Francophonie - Minister of International Development and La Francophonie

Joined October 2012


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  1. Présente à la cérémonie commémorative de la tragédie du 6 juillet 2013 à Lac-Mégantic avec mon collègue . I attended the ceremony commemorating the July 6 2013 tragedy in Lac-Mégantic with my colleague .

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  3. .: Sustainable Development Goals: an action plan for everyone (SUBS)

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  5. Entretien sur sur plusieurs enjeux importants pour la "Coup d’envoi de la campagne pour la Francophonie" via

  6. Entrevue avec Jean Arel pour discuter de l'indexation de l’allocation canadienne pour les enfants. // Interview with reporter Jean Arel to discuss the indexing of the Canada Child Benefit.

  7. The evidence is irrefutable: educating girls is the smartest, most sustainable investment there is in global peace, stability, and prosperity via .

  8. Jul 3

    There is no “Liberal version of feminism.” There is just feminism: the belief that all Canadians deserve an equal chance at success, regardless of gender. Our government is proud of its work to advance gender equality & to share these values & priorities with Canadians.

  9. Amidst chaos, Summit unleashed a quiet, yet powerful force: The force of millions of young girls being empowered to create the world they want. via

  10. Jun 30

    Élever des enfants, c’est difficile. Subvenir à leurs besoins fondamentaux, comme les nourrir, les habiller et les loger ne devrait pas l’être. Voici certaines des mesures que nous avons prises pour améliorer la vie des familles de la classe moyenne :

  11. Jun 30

    Raising kids is hard – but making sure they have the basics like food, clothing, and a safe place to sleep shouldn’t be. Here are some of the steps we’ve taken to make life better for middle class families:

  12. Jun 29

    Your government has your back.

    , , and 6 others
  13. Jun 29

    We have spoken for years of linking humanitarian and development aid. Now it is happening, thanks to the and other development partners. In Bangladesh - and many more countries - the potential positive impact can be huge.

  14. Jun 29

    I shall be returning to region later this week, and reporting back in July on what I have seen More comments and pictures on the Rohingya crisis via

  15. Jun 28

    Bangladesh showed great generosity in providing refuge for the . Today, thanks to our partnership with Canada, we announced up to $480 million to support this effort. We stand ready to help until the refugees can return home safely & voluntarily

  16. Le Matin - Le Canada annonce près de 229 millions de dollars pour les pays en développement

  17. World Bank to Provide Up to $480 Million to Aid Refugees in Bangladesh "For every dollar contributed by Canada, five additional grant dollars would be unlocked in support of health, nutrition and population services to the refugees."

  18. Jun 29

    Le Canada est très préoccupé par la situation dans le sud-ouest de la et exhorte le régime syrien à mettre fin immédiatement à la violence et à permettre un accès rapide et sans entrave aux secours humanitaires.

  19. Jun 29

    Canada is gravely concerned by the situation in southwest and calls on the Syrian regime to immediately end the violence and to allow for rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access.

  20. Jun 28

    Investissements de 128,4 M$ + création de 170 emplois chez à

    , , and 3 others

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