Stacy Strazis


TV Producer (Oprah,HBO,CNN...) Journalist, Storyteller, Adventuress♥ Lover of Leaps of Faith~Kairos~Ubuntu, Curious GrownUp Coppertone Girl w/ Wander~WonderLust

Santa Monica & Sunshine State
Joined June 2009


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  1. Retweeted

    🎶Are you reelin' in the years Stowin' away the time Are you gatherin' up the tears Have you had enough of mine🎶 RIP Walter Becker.

  2. Retweeted

    In honor of the late Walter Becker, we look at Steely Dan's 10 essential songs

  3. Retweeted

    The Arctic is now expected to be ice-free by 2040

  4. Retweeted

    These experts say we have three years to save the planet from irreversible destruction

  5. Retweeted

    Touchdown! , & Russian crewmate land on Earth after 136 days in space; 288 days for Peggy:

    Clip from NASA TV
  6. Retweeted
  7. Retweeted

    Just ridiculous. Media has been on the ground in all sorts of dangerous places for a week or longer.

  8. Retweeted

    -Trump shirts & ties: Made in China -Trump eyeglasses: Made in China -Trump home goods: Made in China -Trump hotel items: Made in China

  9. Retweeted

    I've been subscribed to EPA news alerts for over a year now. Since the election, the shift is absolutely nuts. 1/

  10. Retweeted

    I just spotted @CBP immigration agents outside the main flood shelter in downtown Houston. This is why immigrants don't want to come.

  11. Retweeted

    Laws that keep people w/ past criminal convictions from voting perpetuate inequality in our democracy & need to go.

  12. Retweeted
    Sep 1

    The daughter of an American slave dies today. 1 generation removed from slavery. Don't tell me how long ago slavery was

  13. Retweeted

    250 of my Apple coworkers are . I stand with them. They deserve our respect as equals and a solution rooted in American values.

  14. Retweeted

    EPA says Superfund sites around Houston aren't accessible to its personnel. got to 7 by boat, vehicle, on foot

  15. Retweeted

    Confirmed: UN Security Council will meet at 10amEST Monday in an emergency session after nuclear test in North Korea

  16. Retweeted

    Those who say don't talk about change during are wrong. Here is exactly how to talk about it:

  17. Retweeted

    If you're bringing supplies to for victims, plastic storage bins are desperately needed. Stores completely out.

  18. Retweeted

    We were literally on the helicopter with them

  19. Retweeted

    Notice that Trump is tearing up all of the US' treaties w democratic states, while deepening ties w autocracies. Clear signal of his ideal.

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