Vice President Mike PenceAccount verificato


Vice President Mike Pence. Husband, father, & honored to serve as the 48th Vice President of the United States. Tweets may be archived:

Washington, D.C.
Iscritto a gennaio 2017


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  2. 17 ore fa

    "…lower taxes and fewer regulations get results. Thank you very much for leading on those reforms."

  3. 17 ore fa

    "Your Tax Cuts enabled our owner... to give back $1 million collectively to all of his employees, myself included. You have no idea what that has meant for my family. So thank you!"

  4. 23 giu

    Happy 70th Birthday to an inspiring American and a great Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas! Honored to welcome you back to the this week.

  5. 23 giu

    Welcomed , , and 100+ state & local elected officials from Idaho and Utah to the today. Trump is committed to working WITH our state & local leaders to enact policies that put America first as we make America safe and prosperous again.

  6. 22 giu

    Amid the national conversation on immigration, we must never forget the heartbreaking loss that Angel Families have suffered at the hand of illegal immigration. I was humbled to join today at the to meet with these families. God bless our Angel Families.

  7. 22 giu

    "For years their pain was met with silence, their plight with indifference, but no more..."

  8. 22 giu

    Six months ago today, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. Now, the economy is booming, small businesses are thriving, and job growth is soaring. Retweet if you have more money in your paycheck than you did a year ago.

  9. 22 giu

    Visiting w children at the shelter in yesterday was very touching. Despite the difficult circumstances children were in good spirits & very kind. It's my sincere hope Congress will be able to reach across the aisle & find a solution!

  10. 22 giu

    Spoke with President-Elect of Colombia today, stressing the need to move decisively to cut drug production & trafficking. We discussed the humanitarian crisis and authoritarian conditions in Venezuela and committed to continue to press for the restoration of democracy.

  11. 22 giu

    6 months after signed the largest tax cuts and reforms into law: ✅ America’s economy is making a comeback. ✅ Workers are seeing higher wages. ✅ Unemployment has not been lower in 49 years. ✅ African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment rates are at a record low.

  12. 22 giu
  13. 21 giu

    Charles Krauthammer will long be remembered for his eloquence, his triumph in hardship, and his countless contributions to American political thought. Karen & I send our condolences and prayers to his family and friends during this difficult time.

  14. 21 giu

    Farm Bill just passed in the House. So happy to see work requirements included. Big win for the farmers!

  15. 21 giu

    Working lunch today with and many great governors who are working with the Trump Administration to bring jobs back to America and to unleash the potential of the American economy.

  16. 21 giu

    Proud of this – dedicated patriots – working tirelessly under Trump’s leadership to advance our agenda to put America first! briefed on his plan to reform and reorganize the federal government.

  17. 21 giu

    Lawmakers must still pass legislation to secure our border and finally and fully allow family and minor detention and prompt removal. Read more:

  18. 21 giu

    Honored to welcome Carl Anderson from to the . The Knights of Columbus play a vital role in advocating for persecuted Christians around the world. Under Trump, we are keeping our promise to protect vulnerable religious communities in the Middle East.

  19. 20 giu

    Now we are calling on Congress to , secure our border, close loopholes, and take the action necessary to end the crisis of illegal immigration in America.

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  20. 20 giu

    We don’t have to choose between being a country of law & order with a secure border and being a country that demonstrates the compassion and heart of the American people. Today’s action by proves we will do both.

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