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ربعیہ خالد Aug 24
We can do well without No country lost 70k people & over 100 billion Dollars in Afg-US war
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Nadia Naviwala Aug 25
Early last year the govt sent a mystifying letter via snail mail: please stop... My story on -
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Enyo Aug 24
Beta, who'll send us charity then?
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HeinHtetZay Aug 29
Did and provide terrorists to Kill native ? The answer is Yes,they did it.
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Aung Kyaw Htay Aug 29
Rakhine people run away from Bengali terrorists in Rakhine State,Myanmar.
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To date, has partnered with 60 private sector organizations to boost youth employability in
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USAID Afghanistan Aug 27
Children learn the dangers of landmines and explosive remnants of war through a mine risk education program funded by .
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ChateaudeScale Aug 31
Replying to @BreitbartNews
Obama's 30,000 ready to go activists. . , 🚩🚩 undermining us & out laws
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#DyingToSelf Aug 29
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USAID Afghanistan 10h
The ABADE program helped 400 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to grow.
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Susana 50s
U.S. reviewing policy toward : chief
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Trump Salone Ninja 45m
Replying to @thesavoyshow
We know who these 'Charities' are now.
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Olga Samoilova 45m
City Day in Odessa promotes for all children
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Dikesh Karki 10h
It's been great privilege to work with Sabal team. /SABAL
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miri wood 13h
Our neolibs now love , so they don't care that a front gang.
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USAID Afghanistan 16h
In 2016, helped over 9,000 farmers to grow high-value crops and earn higher incomes.
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FAO Eastern Africa Aug 31
now, food agencies briefing the press after meeting with Adminstrator on joint mission in Eth.
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USAID South Sudan Aug 31
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Morgan Mercer Aug 30
Dynamite II team conducting gender training 4 partner institutions.
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US Embassy Ghana Aug 30
launches National Seed Trade Association of Ghana (NASTAG) to promote the use of high-quality certified seeds.
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