Stefano Severe


Representative in Jordan. Follow our country account and

Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Joined March 2010


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  1. Retweeted

    UN Filippo Grandi is gravely concerned about the civilian population caught in the crossfire in south-west Syria, including airstrikes and heavy shelling. An estimated 750,000 lives are in danger. His statement ⤵️

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  2. Retweeted

    She has debated with presidents, been comforted by the Dalai Lama, and been named one of the world’s most inspiring women... But it’s as a poet that UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador truly shines. Interview by in

  3. Jul 3

    Great to see , Al Albayt University & signing an agreement for new Chams Coding School in . Courses will be available to Jordanians and Syrians to create a new generation of employable youth!

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  4. Retweeted
    Jun 30

    Jordan working with all parties to protect civilians inside as we deliver &facilitate delivery of humanitarian supplies. Helping Syrians in their country possible, being done. Priority to reach ceasefire, prevent more suffering. We’re trying to solve crisis others created

  5. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    I am really proud to announce that Ben Stiller is goodwill ambassador for UNHCR, the UN refugee organization. I have heard him tell beautiful stories about refugees. He does it with passion and conviction. Thank you, .

  6. Retweeted

    Bangladesh is the generous host to 919,000 refugees. with , & pay tribute to the Prime Minister ahead of their visit to Cox's Bazaar to meet refugees & community & appeal for more support.

  7. Retweeted
    Jun 29

    As Annual Consultations with comes to a close, we recommit to collectively redoubling our efforts to work in closer partnership w civil society + NGOs to address global + regional displacement challenges while identifying innovative means for aid + protection delivery.

  8. Retweeted
    Jun 27

    Did you know 35% of UNHCR’s global funding was unearmarked? Without it we wouldn’t deliver our mandate – it helps emergency response and underfunded operations like Jordan continue our work for Read the report:

  9. Jun 26

    Japan decided to provide an emergency grant assistance of 1 million USD to for the provision of health services among Syrian refugees residing in north-eastern Jordan, which allows some estimated 121K Syrian to access sufficient healthcare services

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  10. Retweeted
    Jun 24

    A big thank you to for France’s recent contribution of $1.5 million to to support in the country - merci for this valuable support!

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  11. Retweeted
    Jun 24

    UNHCR&JRF Youth Camp 2018# Refugees#Jordanians#Syrians#Iraqis#Yeminis# all # advocating# Human# Rights# mutual# Language# Jerash # future# generations

  12. Jun 24
  13. Retweeted
    Jun 22

    This afternoon I went and shopped at the Summer Bazaar. I commend this initiative by & his team. This can help in Jordan make a living and feel dignified by selling the product of their (nice) work. Open until tomorrow evening in Ras al Ain!

  14. Retweeted
    Jun 22

    Our Summer Bazaar is officially open! Come visit our array of handmade gifts, from furniture to artwork - proceeds supporting in Jordan. See you there!

    , , and 7 others
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  15. Jun 22

    Proud to be able to welcome so many people standing in solidarity at the opening of Summer Bazaar for

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  16. Retweeted
    Jun 17

    Let us share the journey of refugees and migrants with concrete gestures of solidarity.

  17. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    لأن مساعدة المجتمع المحلي مهمتنا ولأننا كنا دائماً بالقرب من اللاجئين والمجتمع المستضيف، نعلن عن توفر مساحة للاجئين، تسلط الضوء على تجاربهم وخبراتهم والتحديات التي تواجههم. من خلال مجلة العمل والتي ستكون منصة تفاعلية لخدمتهم:

  18. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    In the face of fear and unimaginable loss, refugees make the forced choice of running for their lives and seeking security far from home. On , it’s not too late to recommit to meeting these vulnerable people with open arms, not closed doors

  19. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    في ظل الخوف والخسائر التي لا يمكن تصورها، يضطر اللاجئون للهروب حفاظا على حياتهم وبحثا عن الأمان بعيدا عن أوطانهم. بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للاجئين، لا زال أمام العالم الفرصة ليجدد التزامه باستقبالهم بأذرع مفتوحة بدلا من الأبواب المغلقة

  20. Retweeted
    Jun 18

    Starting my visit to Libya by remembering all those who have lost their lives in desperate attempts to cross the sea. They are people, not numbers. Women, men, children. May they rest in peace.


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