Florence KimVerified account


Responsable comm & médias pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale et Porte-parole à et | PhD droit international public✉️fkim@iom.int

Dakar, Senegal
Joined January 2015


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  1. Retweeted

    BREAKING: António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino est le nouveau Directeur général de l'OIM.

  2. Retweeted

    BREAKING: António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino elected as new Director General of IOM.

    , , and 7 others
  3. Jun 29

    People on the move to and through the Mediterranean have different migratory status, with the majority of them not qualifying for international or subsidiary protection. Read our joint statement with ➡️

  4. Retweeted

    With , we support a common approach and call for a predictable and responsible disembarkation mechanism. Read our joint proposal to the EU Summit which concluded this morning ➡️

    , , and 6 others
  5. Retweeted

    Arrivals by sea to EU: 2014: 247.263 2015: 1.070.625 2016: 360.329 2017: 172.362 2018 (until 24/06): 42.845 Total EU population: 500 million. This is not a migration crisis, rather a humanitarian one: more than 16.000 migrants have died or gone missing at sea since 2014.

  6. Jun 27

    "In the past 10 days we have had vessels on the Mediterranean Sea carrying rescued refugees and other and unable to dock because of political deadlock in Europe."

  7. Retweeted

    🔴BREAKING et demandent à l'UE d'agir au niveau régional pour mettre fin aux tragédies en . ▶️Les personnes secourues dans les eaux internationales doivent être mises en sécurité rapidement en Europe. Lire ici:

    , , and 6 others
  8. Retweeted

    "Until we change the migration narrative, people will continue to be abused and have their rights disrespected" - ➡️

    , , and 6 others
  9. Retweeted
    Jun 26

    Quand l’Europe travaille ensemble de manière coordonnée, quand on sort des égoïsmes nationaux, nous obtenons des résultats. En Libye, nos actions européennes communes ont permis de faire baisser les flux migratoires vers l’Italie de 80% en un an.

  10. Retweeted

    10 good reasons not to save lives in the Sea: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

  11. Retweeted

    Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too. Migrants are human beings too.

  12. Retweeted

    45seconds. The amount it takes to make dirty water safe & drinkable.

  13. Retweeted

    Safety. Dignity. Human Rights. For all migrants. Regardless of their status. At all times:

    , , and 5 others
  14. Retweeted

    “Women were lying dead, men..... Other people got missing in the desert because they didn’t know the way,” said Janet Kamara, who was pregnant at the time. “Everybody was just on their own.”...."It's a catastrophe" says IOM Official.

  15. Retweeted

    40,073 & arrived by sea to Europe in 2018. 857 dead/missing. Learn more ➡️

    , , and 7 others
  16. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    US withdraws from United Nations human rights council via

  17. Jun 15
  18. Retweeted

    In 2017, migrants sent an estimated $466 billion to families in developing countries. On , read a message by our :

    , , and 7 others
  19. Retweeted

    "Returnees, hope again !" +30 Nigerian returnees received their first business skills training this week. 🔘 "If you had the courage to go to Libya you can have the courage to make it here and in a safe way!" -Richard Danziger

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