Save the Children UKVerified account


We believe every child deserves a future. We do whatever it takes for children, every day & in times of crisis.

United Kingdom
Joined February 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    A battle for Hodeidah, Yemen risks the lives of 170,000 children & threatens the peace process before it’s begun. Tonight we’re outside with a simple message: children need a political, not military, solution to this crisis. RT & share the message.

  2. ‘Disasters and disease outbreaks need not be death sentences’ , Director of our Emergency Health Unit, shares his insights into how preparation for natural disasters can reduce their impact and help communities respond differently, and better >

  3. As we celebrate , we champion a world where all children have access to life-saving health care, and don’t die from preventable diseases like pneumonia.

  4. Jul 5

    Happy 70th birthday to the NHS! It is NHS heroes like these five here that make us proud.

  5. Little Laila caught fever and diarrhoea on the journey from Myanmar to Bangladesh and only weighed 6.8kg; after a month with our team, now she weighs 7.3kg. She’s reaching a healthy weight - thanks to your incredible support ❤️

  6. Reply with a 🙂 if little Laila brings a smile to your face! Thanks to you, Laila is reaching a healthy weight. She caught fever and diarrhoea on the journey from Myanmar to Bangladesh and only weighed 6.8kg; after a month with our team, now she weighs 7.3kg.

  7. Jul 4

    Very excited that little Zetta and I will be joining the walking group at the parade on Saturday. Because

  8. Every day we’re inspired by amazing children! Thank you to incredible young fundraisers Emilia, Phoebe, Olive and Nuala, who raised £155 for Syria’s children with a cake bake.

  9. “There’s a little boy who’s just like me… he’s a refugee.” Thank you Frasier for this incredible story! >

  10. WATCH: this is why we must act now to protect Yemen's children, who have already suffered so much, and ensure they receive the vital support they need. Help save children's lives >>

  11. We believe that every child should have the chance to make their mark on the world, no matter what. Do you?

  12. Jul 2
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  13. Jul 2

    We want to see a world where people with disabilities have equal access to jobs and education. That's why on 23-24 July, the UK is hosting a global . We believe to break down the barriers that hold people back from achieving their potential.

  14. WATCH: this is why we cannot give up on Yemen's children. Help save lives, right now >>

  15. Children in Myanmar have witnessed and experienced horrors that they will never forget. Call for justice for Rohingya children >>

  16. Thank you to incredible young fundraisers Emilia, Phoebe, Olive and Nuala, who raised £155 for Syria’s children with a cake bake. This shout out is for you!

  17. We cannot give up on Yemen's children. Help save lives, right now >>

  18. WATCH: this is why we must act now to protect Yemen's children, who have already suffered so much, and ensure they receive the vital support they need. Help save children's lives >>

  19. "Education is the weapon." IS banned girls from attending school. These teenage friends in Syria risked their lives to continue their education > via

  20. We believe that EVERY child should have the chance to make their mark on the world. Retweet if you do too!

  21. An education facility reaching over 500 students, supported by our team in , has been badly damaged after being hit in an airstrike. Schools are meant to be safe havens for children, even in a war zone. This one now lies in ruins.


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