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GENeva Environment
: a global hub for governance. GEN is a network of 75 organizations based in the region, led by , with the support of .
GENeva Environment 15h
Today we welcomed students from of Global Studies at the . Thank you all for your participation & interest.
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GENeva Environment 19h
Kei Ohno Woodall: 1400 participants & 160 parties attended COPs meetings. 24 BC, 17 RC and 27 SC decisions adopted.
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GENeva Environment 19h
. thanked Austria, EU, Finland, Germany, Norway, Netherlands, US for their contributions to the Special Programme Trust Fund.
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GENeva Environment 19h
Special Programme: 38 applications from 36 countries on second round for applications. Find out more at
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GENeva Environment 19h
The UN Environment Assembly (December) main theme is reminds & outcomes will feed discussions.
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GENeva Environment 20h
A special event for entry into force will take place in on 2 July said , thanking for their support.
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GENeva Environment 20h
Michel Tschirren confirmed the President Doris Leuthard & Head M.Chardonnens will attend HighLevel Segment
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GENeva Environment 20h
Preparatory Meetings to take place on 5-7 July in Bangkok, 11-13 July Johannesburg, 12-13 July Brno; 25-28 July Buenos Aires.
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GENeva Environment 20h
Deadline for funding is 23 June 2017. Other practical info available at
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GENeva Environment retweeted
Philippe Ramet 20h
Jacob Duer confirms Minamata Convention enters into force 16th August Congrats 2 the 65 Parties "COP1 is a reality" 24/29 Sep. in GVA
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GENeva Environment retweeted
GENeva Environment 20h
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GENeva Environment 20h
The COP1 Documents & other useful information are available online at
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GENeva Environment 20h
Mercury Week to take place form 22-28 September 2017 in said highlighting the High Level Segment
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GENeva Environment 20h
Key support from highlighted by . on Mercury & the Global Environmental Facility were Partners from the Start
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GENeva Environment 20h
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GENeva Environment 20h
65 countries have now ratified said , which entry into force is on 16 Aug & 1st Conf of Parties in in Sept.
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GENeva Environment 20h
🔛We are now discussing chemicals & waste in & focusing on preparations of Minamata 1st Conference of the Parties
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GENeva Environment 23h
65countries have now ratified the to in September in ! Join TODAY's Briefing
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GENeva Environment retweeted
ITC Sustainability Jun 21
Successful cooperation for inclusive : what does it take? Let’s discuss at 2017! Register now!
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GENeva Environment Jun 21
Always a pleasure to welcome participants in International Studies & Multilateral Diplomacy Programme at !
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