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currently ranks among the top 20 contributors of uniformed personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. 78 Zambians have paid the ultimate price while serving the cause of peace. We thank them for their service & sacrifice: …
SERVICE_AND_SACRIFICE_ZAMBIAThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
To ensure speedy investigation of allegations of sexual exploitation & abuse, more Member States now have National Investigation Officers embedded in their peacekeeping contingents. Meet Bella Benigne Kazeneza from Burundi in our Values - Bella Benigne Kazeneza, BurundiHonoring our Values - Bella Benigne Kazeneza, Burundi / Honorons nos valeurs - Bella Benigne Kazeneza, BurundiThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
Today, 68+ million people around the world are forcibly displaced by conflict or persecution. UN peacekeepers work tirelessly to support the safety of communities pushed to the brink & often forced out of their homes seeking refuge from the scourge of war. We stand Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
Last week, the Formed Police Units
#FPU from India and Nepal in#Haiti received prevention card against sexual abuse and exploitation in their own Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#EndRapeInWar South Sudanesewomen who have survived rape & the brutal conflict shared their stories w/ Deputy Secretary-General
@AminaJMohammed, who is leading a high-powered delegation to the war-torn country. "We will not give up, not on peace.” … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#EndRapeInWar Dep. Sec-Gen.@AminaJMohammed raised issue of sexual violence in South Sudanw/ President Salva Kiir. She said, "rape doesn’t stop just at women, it also includes children to very, very young ages, and that for us has been abhorrent." …
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@UN peacekeepers from South Korea serving w/@UNIFIL_ organized a joint exercise w/ the Lebanese Armed Forces last week to enhance the latter’s military capabilities. The exercise included Taekwondo & combat martial arts & first aid care to gun wounds: … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
Hope for peace remains alive in
#SouthSudan despite immense suffering caused by brutal conflict. Watch the UN Deputy Secretary-General@AminaJMohammed’s message of solidarity with the people of the war-torn Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
94 Member States have signed a Voluntary Compact with the
@UN, a document that emphasizes the shared principles to UN peace operations & includes specific commitments to combat & prevent sexual exploitation & Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
@UN Deputy Secretary-General@AminaJMohammed is in South Sudanon a joint visit w/
@AU_PSD to promote women’s participation in peace, security & development. After meeting w/ officials in Juba, she is visiting protection of civilians sites & projects: … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
By deploying a Level II hospital in
#Gao, North Mali, the#AU &#Korea are providing support to Malian Armed Forces & the local population. The hospital boasts latest medical technology. It could also be used to support future AU deployments in North Mali & the#Sahel Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
peacekeepers serving w/ the
@UN Mission in the Sudan(UNMIS) patrol around the volatile Abyei area in January 2011 in the wake of clashes that left dozens dead. We thank them for their service & sacrifice: …
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@UN_CAR paid tribute to a@UN peacekeeper from Burundiwho was recently killed in an attack in Bambari, Central African Republic
. In the ceremony, MINUSCA conveyed its condolences to the family of the peacekeeper & to the Govt of
Hommage au caporal-chef Leonidas Nimubona du BurundiThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
currently ranks among the top 20 contributors of uniformed personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. 78 Zambians have paid the ultimate price while serving the cause of peace. We thank them for their service & sacrifice: …
SERVICE_AND_SACRIFICE_ZAMBIAThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@UN_CAR paid tribute to a@UN peacekeeper from Burundiwho was recently killed in an attack in Bambari, Central African Republic
. In the ceremony, MINUSCA conveyed its condolences to the family of the peacekeeper & to the Govt of
Hommage au caporal-chef Leonidas Nimubona du BurundiThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
peacekeepers serving w/ the
@UN Mission in the Sudan(UNMIS) patrol around the volatile Abyei area in January 2011 in the wake of clashes that left dozens dead. We thank them for their service & sacrifice: …
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UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
In the Central African Republic, community radios are @ frontlines of awareness-raising efforts to prevent & respond to sexual exploitation & abuse. See young broadcaster Igor F Bangalo’s message to his peers.
#HonoringOurValues#ZeroTolerance#NoExcuse Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
Adama Ndao travaille
@MONUSCO à soutenir les personnes exposées à l’exploitation & abus sexuels. Ds 3 villes à l’est de la RDC, elle à initié 1 projet qui aide les victimes & communautés à générer des fonds & retomber s/ leurs Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@UN Deputy Secretary-General@AminaJMohammed is in South Sudanon a joint visit w/
@AU_PSD to promote women’s participation in peace, security & development. After meeting w/ officials in Juba, she is visiting protection of civilians sites & projects: … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UN Peacekeeping Retweeted
The special edition of the biannual Justice & Corrections Update of the
@UNPeacekeeping Justice and Corrections Service highlights the impact and achievements of justice and corrections components in UN peace operations. Access the Update here: … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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