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  1. ha ritwittato
    4 ore fa

    The Encyclopedia of Women Philosophers. A New Web Site Presents the Contributions of Women Philosophers, from Ancient to Modern

  2. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    There’s a supplement in the Guardian today listing the 34,361 migrants and refugees know to have died trying to reach Europe. It’s 56 pages long.

  3. ha ritwittato
    20 giu
  4. 14 giu

    “as everywhere, the chance to listen without hearing ourselves in the background is melting away.” (Leerlo es) meta-metafora desde las profundidades.

  5. ha ritwittato
    10 giu

    Who's building the next wave of tech-for-good companies? Women and minorities.

  6. ha ritwittato
    9 giu

    100 faces of Rohingya refugees

  7. ha ritwittato
    22 mag

    "Cada canción es un remanso del amor. Cada lucero, un remanso del tiempo. Un nudo del tiempo. Y cada suspiro un remanso del grito". (1921)

  8. ha ritwittato
    5 giu

    takes place at Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya on Saturday, 9 June 2018. We’ll be live streaming the event across digital platforms. Save the date! Register for the digital event here:

  9. ha ritwittato
    5 giu

    Calling startups with wings (or rotors. Or balloons. Or opensource or or basically anything that goes zoom) we are opening our first venture fund cohort focused on ... get it 🚀

  10. ha ritwittato
    24 mag

    By shifting the debate away from refugee statistics and refocusing on the attitudes of those who may not be sure who refugees even are, one can create connections through common experiences and increase understanding.

  11. 28 mag

    Berlin’s unicorns 🦄 are taking up the challenge against nazis. Ja wohl! The future, a more engaged counter-party-culture?

  12. ha ritwittato
    21 mag

    Take part in the Global Youth Climate Video Competition to highlight the of young people around the world Winners will be invited to in Katowice to present their work and be part of our team

  13. ha ritwittato
    14 mag

    I don't care if you're Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or you paint yourself purple and worship the moon. You're a human being and you deserve not to be fatally shot if you pose no immediate threat. And so do Palestinians. All innocent lives should be measured equally.

  14. 14 mag

    Brillante 👌🏽 y - because we’ve all wished we could skip _____ but couldn’t.

  15. ha ritwittato
    12 mag

    We want more films: ✍️written by women 🎬directed by women 📽️produced by women 👷‍♀️featuring women 🎞️about women on discrimination. We want a gender-equal media industry!

  16. ha ritwittato
    4 mag

    The UN is looking for — business leaders and entrepreneurs who are making . Apply or nominate a pioneer now:

  17. 8 mag

    . here we come! Know anyone out there who wants to help us bring more voices, communities & realities into the mix? make sure institutions & organisations hear what matters to People and stick to the Plan?

  18. ha ritwittato
    7 mag

    Barnes & Noble teeters in a post-text world by

  19. ha ritwittato
    4 mag

    "Only one business school in US teaches about cooperative models. We have to change the mindset in order to imply the ideas of cooperation: "democratic governance and shared ownership"" @

  20. 4 mag

    Co-creation & co-ownership & bringing people together that would never b in the same space: co-ops as a model to shift the “sharing” economy and renew the social contract. And he even talks about the power of rituals. Profound, mindblowing, simple truths -Gracias!


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