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  1. Aug 31

    While the world is focused on the devastating floods in , floods in have put 137 million lives at risk and killed 1,200

  2. 9h

    The AFC wishes you a blessed Eid Al Adha!

  3. Aug 29

    : 1,200+ people were killed and millions displaced by historic flooding in , and so far.

  4. 5h
  5. 22h

    Excited to share what we learned from the top 100 from and !!

  6. Aug 28

    My summer trip of 2017!

  7. 4h
  8. 4h

    How will finance the $800 billion investment needed for water and sanitation projects?

  9. Aug 28

    A reminder of why I never got to wear heels growing up lol

  10. Aug 30

    in during the seminar with Minister of Finance in Japan lecturing about

  11. 23h

    : All the results from Matchday 9! Thoughts?

  12. 9m

    Floods have killed more people in , as climate change worsens extreme weather worldwide

  13. Aug 30
  14. Aug 31
  15. 2m

    As and tussle in South , a pristine mountain kingdom is caught in the middle

  16. 4m

    China's Internet Finance Association Issues ICO Warning

  17. 46m

    Today's is dedicated to magical . in sauce - so yummy. 😊🍲🍴🐮🍤🌶🍯💥☀️🇫🇮

  18. 54m
  19. 3h
    Replying to

    Countries in like with their backward thinking regarding makes region look like savages 👹

  20. 3h

    Findings from the top 💯 & applications to our Innovation Fund are on -

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