Cdn Council Refugees


The Canadian Council for Refugees is committed to the rights & protection of & vulnerable in Canada & around the world. RT ≠ endorsement

Joined August 2009


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  1. Jul 5

    Op-Ed: Canada's future prosperity depends on opening — not closing — our borders

  2. Jul 5

    Some serious errors in this article. The challenge was launched in July 2017 (as reported at the time) and and are joint litigants, not intervenors. See

  3. Jul 4

    La conclusion est claire : les États-Unis ne peuvent être considérés comme un pays sûr pour les . Nous en avons déposé les preuvres à la Cour fédérale :

  4. Jul 4

    The conclusion is clear: the US cannot be considered a safe country for . And we've just filed the evidence to prove it:

  5. Jun 26

    CCR responds to release of IRB review report Canada needs to safeguard refugee determination at independent quasi-judicial tribunal

  6. Jun 26

    CCR strongly opposes IRB Review proposal undermining the independence of the refugee determination system

  7. Jun 20

    Aujourd'hui c'est l’occasion de souligner le leadership du Canada à l’égard des . Les É-U ne sont pas un pays sûr pour les réfugiés. Faisons preuve de leadership : retirons de l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs.

  8. Jun 20

    On World Refugee Day, we celebrate Canada’s leadership for refugees & look for more. The US cannot be considered a safe country for refugees. Let's show leadership & withdraw from the Safe Third Country Agreement.

  9. Jun 19

    Merci à toutes et à tous d'avoir contribué au succès du Colloque international sur les droits des réfugiés à Toronto! Nous avons hâte de poursuivre nos collaborations pour les !

  10. Jun 19

    Thank you to everyone for making the International Refugee Rights Conference in Toronto such a success! We look forward to our continued work together for !

  11. Jun 12

    ''...the independence of the and refugee determination system in Canada (must) be preserved...'':

  12. Jun 12

    'Let's ensure our border remains a beacon of hope'. Suspend the Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement: &

  13. Jun 9

    Participant: If provate sponsorship is put forward as gov't solution, there needs to be equity for racialized communities with few means to sponsor. How will gov't involve Anti-racism directorate and black communities, for example?

  14. Jun 9

    Participant: Canada must act to speed up family reunification for refugees here separare from children abroad.

  15. Jun 9

    Arif Virani, MP: take up examples from Canada and take it forward with your own voice. Use court systems. Keep hope and keep sight of long-term goals.

  16. Jun 9

    From Israel: Sees the model that Canada is trying to have others adopt, but what if they need to and aren't listening?

  17. Jun 9

    From Hungary: we are working hard on the ground for in spite of the political challenges. We need your solidarity and support.

  18. Jun 9

    At closing plenary, Loly Rico: we value dialogue with governments. Both working for with diff. roles. We look forward to continued open doors and communications.

  19. Jun 9

    At Int'l conference closing plenary, Loly Rico: Canada can take leadership in refugee protection globally by cancelling the Safe Third Country Agreement

  20. Jun 9

    The danger of a single story 'I'm not just a refugee'


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