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  2. Jul 2

    On our lawn tonight we placed The Holy detention.

  3. Jul 2

    Every person on the Left who opposes on should answer this question: Do you think the US has the right to have a border it protects or do you think we should have open borders & have millions come here, without any kind of vetting or looking at who they are?

  4. Jun 30
  5. Jul 3

    Apparently leftists think immigrants are only good for cleaning, and driving them and their rich friends around.

  6. As Trump cracks down on immigration and foreign workers, his Mar-O-Lago asked for permits for 40 guest workers to be servers this winter. The pay? $12.68 an hour. via

  7. Jun 30

    on EVERY heartless person who defends disgusting racist policies on

  8. Jun 30
  9. Jul 1

    The Left doesn't support open borders, just not closed hearts. The President and his surrogates can keep using this all or nothing rhetoric all they want. We believe we can have compassion without chaos, and safety without being cruel to people.

  10. Jun 29
  11. Jul 1
  12. Jul 1

    “We pray for those families separated at the border. May God protect them and watch over them.” Our prayers today.

  13. Jul 4

    Sitting by the pool with family, reading ’s book, EVERY American should read this chapter on . Heck, read the whole book. It’ll make you think. (Which is a GOOD thing!) 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  14. Jul 1

    If you truly care about the welfare of children you would know who and what is.

  15. Jun 29

    When will ALL the CHILDREN and BABIES be reunited with their parents?

  16. Jul 4

    Needed: Pro bono lawyer in the Boston area who speaks one of the Chinese languages (OP didn't specify Mandarin, Cantonese, etc.). Please amplify!

  17. Jun 30

    How can it be that Americans can see inhumanity in the separation of families in enforcement but not in the massive war crimes committed against peoples in eight countries? Are we experiencing a mass psychosis form of cognitive dissonance?

  18. 25 minutes ago

    I have a business and a house in South Wales. I'd rather burn both to the ground than stand by while vulnerable people are rounded up like animals or hounded to their death. This man was WORKING. He was CONTRIBUTING. And we killed him

  19. Jul 2

    Trump: *Follows the law* Illegal immigrants: *Break the law* Media: “TRUMP IS BREAKING FAMILIES APART, WHAT A DISGUSTING MAN” I love our day and age.

  20. The administration is losing the border battle in courts. So they're going all-out with policy changes AFTER arrival: ▪no more SSNs ▪refugees can't work legally ▪no more H1B spouse employment ▪"denaturalization" of new citizens ▪forced deportation

  21. Jul 1

    Do you agree with when he said,"When people come into our country illegally we must immediately escort them back out without going through years of legal maneuvering."(Please vote and R/T.)

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  22. Jul 3

    is dangerous and illegal. The are supporting it with their phony mantras about .

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