Director-GeneralVerified account


Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva. Working for peace, rights and well-being together with all International Geneva.

Joined November 2013


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  1. There are more than 68.5 million forcibly displaced persons on Earth today, an unprecedented record. To learn more about what , , and their partners are doing to help them visit →

  2. Retweeted

    I am gravely concerned by the new military offensive in southwest Syria and its dramatic impact on civilians. I reiterate my appeal for the suspension of hostilities and the resumption of negotiations.

  3. 6 ways to ensure AI and new tech work for – not against – humanity via

  4. Saviez-vous qu’en 2017 s’est lancée dans un ambitieux projet de numérisation des archives de la afin de rendre accessible à tous ce trésor d’information. Pour en apprendre plus à propos de

  5. Je remercie le Service d’incendie et de secours de Genève et la pour leur don d’un fourgon d’incendie, un symbole du partenariat qui nous permet d’œuvrer ensemble ici pour notre securite commune.

  6. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    Bravo winner ! Thanks for closing the gender pay gap in the public sector of . 👏👏 Find out how they did it:

  7. Jul 5

    Did you know that in 2017 held 108 cultural activities, fostering the empathy and understanding on which international collaboration depends? Learn more about

  8. Jul 5

    Saviez-vous que le système des Nations Unies à Genève emploie presque 10’000 personnes œuvrant dans des domaines clés tels la santé, le travail, les droits de l’homme, le désarmement et la propriété intellectuelle. →

  9. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    Thank you to everyone that attended the Geneva SDG Finance Collaboration Workshop and for making a successful step towards the advancement of systemic collaboration for sustainable finance in Geneva

    , , and 3 others
  10. Jul 5

    70 years ago, this year, representatives from all regions of the world came together to write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights : our common standard for human rights. Its available online in 508 languages:

  11. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    Our new Annual Report maps the mandate that UNCTAD was given by United Nations members in July 2016 against the blueprint provided by the Sustainable Development Goals 👍🏾 GET IT HERE

    , , and 7 others
  12. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    "It's a no brainer!" - That's what answers when asked about reasons to achieve Watch Michael Møller, Director-General of on the occasion of 3rd anniversary 🎥⬇️

  13. Jul 2

    Congratulations to the new Director-General of and welcome to the family Mr. António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino! The International Organization for Migration is a vital partner for us ! 📷IOM

  14. Jul 2

    Did you know that 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water services? Learn what , & their partners are doing to change that →

  15. Jul 2
  16. Jul 2

    Les entreprises de notre canton hôte, y compris les PME, se mettent au jeu pour encourager le développement durable ici et à l’étranger. Le secteur privé a un rôle fondamental dans la mise en œuvre des .

  17. Jul 1

    Podemos hacer pequeños cambios en nuestras rutinas diarias para contribuir a los # ObjetivosMundiales. Más información aquí:

  18. Jul 1

    Regroupant à la fois les capitaux et les compétences dans les secteurs du développement et de la collaboration internationale, facilite la philanthropie au service des

  19. Jul 1

    Si les inégalités sont en pleine croissance, il faut se rappeler que des solutions existent ! L’une d’elles est le mouvement coopératif. Les contribuent à bien des y compris la réduction de la pauvreté.

  20. Jul 1

    Inequality may be on the rise worldwide, but there are solutions! One is the cooperative model, which brings together communities to generate wealth, empower themselves and share responsibility.


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