National GeographicAccount verificato


Since its inception nearly 130 years ago, the core purpose of National Geographic has been to further the knowledge and awareness of our world.

Iscritto a novembre 2008


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  1. 1 ora fa

    "Wild ice skating" is done on black ice, which can be as thin as two inches (5.1 cm)

  2. 2 ore fa

    Orangutans in the lowland forests of Borneo display unique behavior such as making pillows, fashioning umbrellas, and displaying regional greetings

  3. 3 ore fa

    The sun keeps the planets in its orbit with a tremendous magnetic force—so what would happen if it disappeared entirely?

  4. 4 ore fa

    Researchers are sampling ocean pH to understand how increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is boosting levels of ocean acidity in the water

  5. 5 ore fa

    Each Hercules beetle embarks on a jaw-dropping journey from grub to one of the largest flying insects on Earth

  6. 7 ore fa

    It's the kind of sound that can keep you up all night—but here's what makes a water droplet go plink

  7. 8 ore fa

    For a baby elephant, there's no greater joy than a mud bath

  8. 9 ore fa

    Our Your Shot photographers have sent us images of wildlife from every continent on the planet. Which is your favorite?

  9. 10 ore fa

    A range of impressive features make the python one of nature's most formidable predators

  10. 11 ore fa

    Beat the heat with images that capture the joy and delight of swimming pools around the world

  11. 13 ore fa

    About 27 out of a hundred thousand Americans a year have delusions of an infestation

  12. 15 ore fa

    Over 100,000 pairs of penguins nest on this island—which also happens to be a volcano

  13. 18 ore fa

    Since the species is not native to Florida, they are not protected by state law and poachers can legally capture the birds for the lucrative pet trade

  14. 21 ore fa

    From Athens’ art galleries to Santorini’s famous Assyrtiko wine, here are an insider’s tips to the best this Mediterranean playground has to offer

  15. 23 ore fa

    If there’s one common Hungarian childhood memory that spans generations and geography, it’s summer vacation at Lake Balaton

  16. 23 giu

    Millions of people are now impacted by the worst water crisis in India’s history and forced to find wells that often have worm-infested water

  17. 22 giu

    At 600 pounds, the giant forest hog may be on average the world’s biggest pig—but it’s also one of the most mysterious

  18. 22 giu

    What do you do if you come across an entire pack of baby boars?

  19. 22 giu

    Bringing back animals that became extinct even 20 years ago is a challenge that is beyond us for now—but it might not be impossible

  20. 22 giu

    In this photo series, Your Shot photographer Maximiliaan Van Es shows the connection between man and nature "is fragile but undeniably essential."


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