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  2. 20 hours ago
  3. "And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there." We shall prevail. is merely a tenant. Not an owner.

  4. I am the only one who wishes would go explore a cave somewhere?

  5. Former Fox executive Bill Shine will lead WH Communications. You may recall he left Fox after being disgraced in connection with the multiple sexual assault scandals. Just what needs...another guy with misogyny and Fox tattoos

  6. 6 hours ago

    Had enough of Trump and the Republicans ?? Register and vote them out !!!!!

  7. 14 hours ago

    Liberal assaults teen by tossing a drink with ice at the kid’s face at a Whataburger in San Antonio. Hunter Richard was eating when Jimenez showed up yelling about and took his hat off his head and yanked some of his hair

  8. Fact. 25% of Americans are black or Hispanic Fact. Half of Americans think is racist. More than half think he's instigating racism Fact. 2/3 of Americans think racism is a growing problem Conclusion. isn't just minorities' opinion. IT'S A REAL PROBLEM B/C TRUMP

  9. Work begins in earnest on Donald Trump's Mt Rushmore image...😭👌

  10. 14 minutes ago

    : Dems should demand that., . and their BAND OF TRAITORS at the House Intel Committee RESIGN IMMEDIATELY for their shameful/unpatriotic conduct re

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  11. 14 minutes ago

    People still back regardless of incessant lying, burdening taxes and tariffs, kidnapping kids at the border, and his conspiracy to take over the US as a dictator. “He wouldn’t do this to us unless he absolutely had to. He’s a very good businessman”. You can’t fix stupid.

  12. 2 hours ago

    President has completed his interviews for the Supreme Court nominee and some are saying “it will come down to who he feels most comfortable with”.

  13. 6 hours ago

    When Donald Trump visits. And our BBC and media outlets and journalists/pundits tell us everything is fine with Mrs May's 'special relationship'. Remember this.

  14. The administration is losing the border battle in courts. So they're going all-out with policy changes AFTER arrival: ▪no more SSNs ▪refugees can't work legally ▪no more H1B spouse employment ▪"denaturalization" of new citizens ▪forced deportation

  15. 5 hours ago

    is doing a spectacular job dividing the country, it is one of the three things he is good at: promoting himself,messing up every decision he makes,dividing the country. The fact that conservatives voted for this obviously unqualified moron is enough to demonize them.

  16. 23 hours ago

    Not much feeling like 4th of July this year. Maybe I’ll wait until goes to prison to celebrate “InThePenDance Day.” Bette Midler

  17. Jul 4

    Democracy dies in darkness. Welcome to 's America

  18. 4 hours ago
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  19. Hahaha, London mayor has given approval for this giant baby blimp to fly over parliament during ‘s visit to the UK. Hahahahaha, amazing.

  20. Why Trump’s inauguration money is a major part of Mueller’s Russia investigation Money is the main motivation behind EVERYTHING does. There is dark money, corruption, graft, payoffs, and money laundering everywhere.

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