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  1. Jun 16

    If gentrification is bad why is allowing a country to be overrun by immigrants good?

  2. Jun 13
  3. 6h

    Rescue? Or deliberate ferrying?

  4. 11h

    startled by hundreds of gangs lurking in 'no-go zones' it denies

  5. 6h
  6. Look it's another documentary about life in a 3rd world nation... wait... no... it's ... 😨😱😵

  7. Jun 16

    is ready to challenge ’s sanctions over migrants in court

  8. Jun 19
    Replying to

    This is a .When our ancestors migrated to america they had to make a life of their own,they didn`t get all handed to them

  9. 5h

    YouTube adds pushing the 'refugee' agenda.

  10. 5h
    This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
  11. 13h

    Not OK in my book! EU , are blacklisted in a Swedish library

  12. 19h

    Dominant conservative/RW MSM press 3': Moscow will answer anything. again after Ankara's threats

  13. 20h

    Let's stop using the terms "migrant" and "refugee". Cal them what they are: invaders.

  14. 21h

    Govt profess "pacifism"" assistance" despite indifference against

  15. 21h

    Islamist dawa is a look back to be a right-wing bias. So there's that. Here's how to

  16. Jun 21

    Iron () curtain: stands up to Brussels on refugee issue

  17. Jun 20
  18. Jun 20

    is training about 90 members of coastguard, & will soon return 10 of the boats that were seized in ’11.”

  19. trying to do to America, what they're doing in EU: = Population Replacement for profit.✊

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