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  1. Jul 4

    Only one man benefits from a divided Europe: Putin. Poland knows as no other country what it means when the fate of our continent is in the hands of the tsar of Russia

  2. Jul 4

    The is far more than internal market, common currency or free movement. The EU is a community of values & putting judges under political control is unacceptable, it cant be tolerated. That’s not a question of tradition, that’s a question of principles 🇵🇱🇪🇺

  3. Jul 4

    The old dream of an "intermarum", an alliance of states from the Baltics to the Black Sea, is pure escapism. In a world order increasingly influenced by China, Russia & India it’s a big mistake to divide our Union into regional clusters

  4. What a refreshing speech! Here is finally a head of government who has a realistic vision for the : "A Europe of sovereign states 2.0". So a modern version of Charles de Gaulle's "Europe of Fatherlands".

  5. Jul 3

    EU Governments have not made enough progress on reform. All proposals, except for the backstop to the single resolution fund, have been delayed again. We are not ready for the next financial crisis.

  6. 21 hours ago

    Then why don't you stop dividing Europe? Andrzej Duda, Viktor Orban, Sebastian Kurz, Matteo Salvini are all showing what a truly united and strong Europe could look like. Meanwhile, you attack EU member states because you don't like their politics. Shame on you.

  7. Jul 4

    Who should Poles trust: a patriot who fought to end communism in Poland or an EU bureaucrat who wants to colonize Poland with millions of migrants? I think I'll take my chances with the former.

  8. The European Parliament should address the realistic and positive vision of the Polish Prime Minister! Instead, the Parliament is transformed into a tribunal!

  9. Jul 3
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    "We are not living a crisis" said the man with 24hr arm protection unit, a government salary & pension, who only meets 3rd world / at photo opportunities & doesn't a asylum center in his neighborhood

  10. Jul 4

    Rule of law is in the very roots of and in the hearts of the Polish people. Without the rule of law, there can’t be freedom. This was the message of my speech this morning in the debate with on the in the

  11. Jun 28
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    Congratulations Europe! Long live European Union!

  12. Jul 4

    “European sovereignty cannot mean building up Europe at the expense of member states" says Polish PM. Why not? If not, how?

  13. Jul 4

    Things that won't go over well with Poles: A German politician lying about Poland and advocating for intervention in our country. You could say that triggers some bad memories.

  14. Jul 4

    Polish PM LIVE in plenary ➡️ "The European Union is the greatest success since WWII but we have to look at renewing our contract with EU citizens to guarantee security & prosperity."

  15. Nice evening and getting together in Vienna. All the best for the presidency for !

  16. Jul 4

    "People in who protest against the dismissal of judges, people who stand up for women’s rights and people who march against corruption carry the blue flag of the EU because they believe in the values of this Union,"

  17. Jul 4

    Our Co-Chair at the debate today with Polish PM said "the European Parliament continues to indulge in Poland-bashing, with half truths & inaccuracies". Read more here ➡️ 

  18. Jul 4

    This sounds like a much better than what Slavophobic EU apparatchiks like Guy Verhofstadt and Manfred Weber have to offer.

  19. Jul 3

    >> Partnerships between & traditional enterprises to foster sustainable & inclusive growth> an enterprise model for the

  20. Jul 4

    "I strongly believe that the EU which was founded by Adenauer and its based on it's Institutions this Europe works and the Europe of egoisms and nationalisms cannot deliver to the people"

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