UN Syria CommissionVerified account


The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic was established on 22 August 2011 by the Human Rights Council (Res. S-17/1)

Geneva, Switzerland
Joined December 2015


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    Today we released our latest report on the longest running siege in modern history, finding the siege and recapture of eastern Ghouta by pro-Government forces (2013-2018) was marked by pervasive war crimes and crimes against humanity

  2. A new brief report by the , ‘Sieges as a Weapon of War: Encircle, starve, surrender, evacuate’, is now online

  3. A Commentary by Christine Chinkin () and Madeleine Rees (), on the Conference Room Paper,“I lost my dignity”: Sexual and gender-based violence in the -n Arab Republic:

  4. Our Commissioner presented at the European Union and co-chaired second Conference today, on Supporting the future of and the region

  5. Apr 14

    "I urge all Member States to show restraint in these dangerous circumstances & to avoid any acts that could escalate the situation and worsen the suffering of the Syrian people." -- following air strikes in Syria:

  6. “The says it has confirmed at least 34 attacks since 2013, many of which it said used or , a nerve agent, and were conducted by the -n government.“ (via )

  7. On alleged use of chemical weapons in eastern Ghouta: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms the use of such weapons by any party to the conflict . . . Perpetrators of such attacks must be identified and held accountable"

  8. Apr 9
  9. Apr 9

    Powerful states involved in the conflict "have completely failed to halt this ominous regression towards a chemical weapons free-for-all. The consequences could be dire for all of us in the coming decades"

  10. Apr 9

    : The intl community’s collective shrug in response to the use of one of the most ghastly weapons ever devised by man is incredibly dangerous. The use of chemical weapons is being normalized in :

  11. Apr 5
  12. Apr 4

    One year ago today, in one of the gravest incidents we ever documented, the -n air force dropped in Khan Sheikhoun , killing dozens, the majority of whom were women & children. Our inquiry & detailed findings available here (A/HRC/36/55)

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  15. Renewal of mandate for one year. Reports to be presented at , , and .

  16. We are committed to continuing our work on behalf of all Syrian men, women, and children exposed to egregious violations of international law. Their voices must be heard.  

  17. Mar 21

    The report on sexual violence includes harrowing accounts of violations – at checkpoints, in detention centers, on streets, and inside homes across Syria. We support documentation of these crimes as an important step toward justice:

  18. "The Syrian crisis is breaking our world" Briefing to the Security Council under Arria formula on the situation in the Middle East () Statement by High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

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