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@FIFAWorldCup ? Then you're watching high-performing#migrants at work Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM is appealing for at least USD 2.1 million to meet the urgent needs of the migrants stranded and transiting through
#Chad over the next 24 months@CarlaMontesi#AfricaTrustFund#Appeal Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
People across the board vastly overstate their immigrant populations. What about you? via
@nytimes Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
#migrants &#refugees arrived by sea to Europe in 2018. 1412 dead/missing. Learn more
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#migrants began to arrive in Argentina in the 1990s and most of them joined the group of street vendors in Buenos Aires. But in recent months, they have suffered police brutality, denounced as a campaign of racial persecution via@ipsnews Read: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
There is no migration/refugee crisis in Europe. Very low arrival and "secondary movement" figures are the opportunity for EU states to focus together on real issues like asylum reform, safe pathways and more+better aid to refugee hosting+transit
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IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Each year millions of people are displaced within the borders of their own countries by: • conflict • violence • disasters • natural hazards • climate change A new VR exhibition at
@UNGeneva showcases their stories: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Inspirational words from Mustapha Sallah, Secretary General of Youths Against Irregular Migration (YAIM) a returnee who was voluntarily assisted by Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Did you know that Africa’s engineering, finance and IT sectors create
#jobs for highly-skilled African migrants? Find out more about highly-skilled#migration in#Africa in@UNCTAD's Economic Development in Africa Report 2018 – Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Le nombre de réfugiés et de déplacés internes suite aux conflits dans le monde a atteint en 2017 un nouveau record, pour la cinquième année consécutive, à 68,5 millions, environ la moitié étant des enfants. :( Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
He is one of the 1900 young Cameroonians assisted by IOM. Today, he is training to become a carpenter.
#AfricaTrustFund Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Arrivals by sea to EU: 2014: 247.263 2015: 1.070.625 2016: 360.329 2017: 172.362 2018 (until 3/7): 45.808 Total EU population: 500 million. This is not a migration crisis, rather a humanitarian one: more than 16.000 migrants have died or gone missing at sea since 2014.
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Each year millions of men, women, and children are displaced within the borders of their own countries by conflict, violence, disasters, natural hazards and climate stresses. What are their lives like?
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IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Since 2016,
#IOM has constructed +3000 shelters to support displaced populations in Pulka. We're currently constructing 700 additional shelters to better assist displaced populations in transit and reception sites. Visit to learn Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Displaced families pouring in daily in Pulka, Borno. About 5K ppl staying in communal shelters in transit site & newly-built reception centre.
@IOM_Nigeria working round clock to build new shelters: 700 underway in Camp C funded by@UNOCHA-run#NigeriaHumanitarianFund (#NHF)
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How can we encourage intra-regional labour mobility within Africa? How can we guarantee the protection of the fundamental human, labour, and social rights of workers moving within and from
#Africa? Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
How are we helping mainstream mental health and
#psychosocial support in humanitarian assistance? From 25-27/06, IOM trained 28 inter-agency participants in#Maiduguri, Borno State to better understand the unique mental health and psychosocial needs of displaced Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
One of the most difficult aspects of working on this topic is knowing that people die in ones and twos every day — yet because in isolation these deaths are so few, the larger phenomenon of death during migration goes largely unnoticed.
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IOM in West & Central Africa Retweeted
Breaking With 204 drownings off Libya this weekend, the death toll in the Mediterranean has crossed 1,000 for the 4th consecutive year:
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