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Taken out of school. Forced to fight. Married off. Hungry. Dying. Today, 11 million children in Yemen – more than the entire population of Switzerland – need help getting food, treatment, education, water & sanitation.
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Horrific. 65 reported killings of children in southern Syria in less than three weeks. These are civilian children. Protection from violence is not a privilege nor a luxury; it’s a fundamental right of every Syrian boy and girl. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Nothing like a good nap!
This little one is waiting for her first immunization at a UNICEF-supported health centre in Uganda. Thanks for the photo
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Last year Joella Dhlamini spent
#WorldChildrensDay with@campaignforleo highlighting her experience of#racism in Ireland. Read more about Joella's story in today's@IrishTimes …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
GOOOOOOOOOAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!! Show your support for refugee & migrant children by taking our
#LongestGoal challenge. Film yourself shouting GOAL! for as long as you can. Post it w/ the hashtag & challenge your friends. The best ones will win prizes! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Which of these prodigies won the Best Young Player award at the 2014 World Cup?
Take our
#WorldCupquiz to find out …
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Wacthing the
#WorldCup? We want to hear your
#LongestGoal! Show support for refugee & migrant children by taking our challenge.Film yourself shouting GOAL! for as long as you can
Post it w/ the hashtag & challenge your friends You could win a prize! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Horrific. Reports of an entire family killed - including four children - in a village in rural Dera’a, bringing the reported number of children killed in southern
#Syria alone to 65 in less than three weeks → Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Health = happiness. These Syrian refugee brothers just got a check-up at a UNICEF-supported mobile medical unit in Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Recharging for the next adventure!
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Our goal for refugee children like this Rohingya boy is to make sure they have the same rights and opportunities as every other child. Show your support by taking our
#LongestGoal challenge! Best submissions will win prizes! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Trauma. Shame. Scars. Hundreds of Rohingya women were raped in Myanmar. Now they are giving birth in Bangladesh.
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When children grow up in armed conflict, their deep mental scars are often overlooked.
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Have you ever wanted a
#job with us? Meet our colleagues at#FacesOfUNICEF to discover how they joined and who they are. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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We are deeply saddened to confirm that an aid worker was killed yesterday after our convoy carrying education supplies came under fire. I strongly condemn this senseless assault. Aid workers must be allowed to carry out their work without fear.
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#TBT to two children playing in a hammock in Cambodia, 1992. At the time, we were helping to support safe sanitation, basic health services, nutrition, education and more.#ForEveryChild, Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Classmates Solomon and Jabir are best friends. Who was your best friend at school?
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When children grow up in armed conflict, their physical scars are easy to see. Their mental scars are hidden and take longer to heal. We can and must do more to support the mental health of children and young people. Solid partnerships are key:
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Did you know 82 of the players in this year's
#WorldCupwere not born in the countries they represent?
@washingtonpost#LongestGoal Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
What excites us, unites us
. This
#WorldCup, show your support for refugee & migrant children by taking our
#LongestGoal challenge.Film yourself shouting GOAL! for as long as you can.
Post it w/ the hashtag & challenge your friends. Best videos will win prizes!
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Here comes the
All smiles from these children in Sri Lanka!
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