Where do most refugees come from?
Help refugee mothers this Mother's Day
Marai is a refugee mother of two
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회원님의 의견을 들려주세요
Amdullah Ibrahimi
· 2018년 6월 14일
About myself My name is amdullah Ibrahimi from Afghanistan I four years is did leave my country i came to the Indonesia I four years liveing in the Indonesia but I didn't see my children wife and m...other anyway, My family are very bad situation, my family no have someone else. My children cnot go to the school . please help my children, when they are endanger but my healthy is not good , I everynight take medicines and i can't sleep without medicine, i will be crazy, please help me? Help my children for God's sake......

UNHCR NO.(186-14C1811)
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Jemimah Ninetta Ntera
· 2018년 2월 2일
Im a director of a ASBL named le berceau du genre in DR Congo living at ituri province but since september i receive réfugiés like 3 minors per week from béni,luna and eringeti,they need help im doing... my best to help them but im limited by financial,i work with a hospital as partner because some of them are sexual victims and trauma.plz im limited if i can get a help from u 더 보기
Abdullah Al-atrash
· 2017년 12월 28일
My name is abdullah i am from Syria but i live in turkey my i age 17 years My brother and I live alone I want asylum To any country
In order to study And a better life Knowing My family in Syria is b...esieged I have not seen them in two years help my please 더 보기
Abdulrazak Alkasem
· 2018년 1월 25일
good greetings:
I am the civil engineer Abdulrazak Alkasem.
from Syria. ...
you know our sir what are happening in my country which is Syria from war and destroy.
I want to work with you our sir in anyplace and circumstances.
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Bagare Dhagabure
· 2018년 6월 22일
My name ali i from somalia but am staying south africa i am 27 years i like to go Canada. (countery of dreams ) if it possible
Hinin Serge Nda
· 2018년 6월 15일
Bonjour à vous unhcr moi je suis Ivoirien,je suis technicien en élevage de formation. J'ai besoin de savoir si vous pouvez nous trouver de offres d'emploi
Patrick Monaghan
· 2017년 3월 28일
A "life changing" experience. And not just for the refugees. For anyone helping. Please get involved as best you can. Remember to be gentle and kind with *yourself* as well. For most of us, this is a ...unique and "first-time" experience. You might doubt yourself and the good work you are accomplishing, as I have. However, with time, experience and expressing your feelings and doubts, you'll start to realise that you, as an individual, *is* making a difference for the human condition. And how big or how small that difference is, isn't the most important marker. 더 보기
Ana Rizo
· 2017년 11월 20일
It seems like they are good focusing on some refugees while forgetting about a refugee crisis that has exploded in south America. What has this organization done regarding the refugee crisis that Vene...zuelans are going through? 더 보기
Kit Wilson-Pote
· 2017년 1월 9일
I am happy to find stories here updating me about my fellow citizens of the world who've needed to seek refuge in my homeland of Canada. They are individuals and families like those in my own clan, an...d it is a natural pleasure to share some of my income to the cause of helping them to establish safe and productive lives here, in a place so unlike their ruined former homes. Thanks for keeping us informed. 더 보기
Toulouz Diamama
· 2017년 11월 7일
*thanks to remember the refugees you left beind,south africa he don't care about us we as refugees we sleep out sleep hungry.even if we have row,but what about
rohingya rosleep hes many more thy don't... care about refugees like us.bana rarama* 더 보기
Yasin M Kiraga
· 2017년 12월 29일
I think U.N.H.C.R should have office every City in Canada as most refugees come to Canada majority received support from U.N.H.C.R in refugee camps. Centre for U.N.H.C.R is created as resettlement mon...itoring centre to ensure refugees really resettled, protected according to UN 1951 convention for refugees. 더 보기
Peter H Kondeh
· 2018년 5월 21일
We are kindly asking the U.N.H.C.R. Canada to rescue the abandoned sierra leoneans in Boreah abandoned camp in Guinea
Jassem Abdelkrim
· 2018년 6월 17일
I am from Syria and live in Turkey. I want asylum in Canada
Necip Vefa
· 2016년 11월 7일
Good evening.. my name is najibullah from Afghanistan kunduz ... I am refugee before one year in Turkey istanbul with my family we are 6 people me my wife and my 4 little sons. Our living situa...tions are too bad and we need help I hope going to Canada which is the best country around the world ..
please help us for God sake
My child's needs good community needs school need good education .. we don't have anything for living .please help us this is my contact number 00905346669553.
God bless you Canada
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Lili Garbutt
· 2018년 7월 1일
It is truly amazing what you do for mankind.
Islam Bin Madullah
· 2017년 10월 10일
Hello unhcr of canada im a rohingya i live in malaysia come here 2014 from 2017 not yet unhcr malaysia because i do know speaking malay so problem i want to refresh register plesae unhcr of canada hel...p me please unhcr of canada call unhcr malaysia because no have card unhcr no have eat so many problem 더 보기
Richard Zawistowski
· 2017년 10월 10일
we have too many refugees entering Canada already without any vetting. the last thing we need at this time are more dubious at best refugees. If the ones that came to Canada were willing to be part o...f our culture that is one thing but for the most part these alleged refugees that came in for the past year have not attempted to be part of Canada and only want to sit on their laurels, collect welfare make babies and demand that Canadians change to suit them not change to be part of Canada. Until such time as refugees ( real or otherwise) start to make concerted efforts to integrate within the Canadian culture and quit their non stop demands that we change to suit them. They should stay where ever they are trying to flee from as they obviously prefer that life than the life that any host country is willing to offer. Additionally, why should we take in any refugees (especially when there is no accountability and/or attempt on their part to become valued and integrated members of Canada). Canadians have to jump though massive hoops just to bring in their own relatives (brothers, sisters or cousins) to Canada 더 보기
Mahamat Ben Khalil
· 2017년 6월 9일
Bonjour UNHCR je vous remercie à tout ce que vous faire de nous je suis centrafricain j'ai né là bas et je grandir aussi même la bas vous connaît la geure que en Centrafrique on n'a vu beau coup de ch...ose j'ai perdus tout m'a famille dans la guere ils sont tué ma famille ça reste moi et petit frère seulement on n'a sorti avec la frontière de Cameroun grâce a vous que on ne en sécurité et pour le moment on n'a beau coup souffrir je voulait que vous m'aide s'il vous plait si non on va mourir comme ça on n'a la carte de réfugié même s'il vous plait je demande votre aide aide nous pardon on es dans le souffrance 더 보기
Ghassan Razaq
· 2018년 5월 2일
ومن يهمه الرأي . لا ألاحظ وجود اهتمام للأراء . الى من يهمه الأمر ارجو الرد
Tawfeg Garguom
· 2018년 6월 27일
Can you help me I'm from Libya 25 old

"From the very beginning of my life, I’ve not had even five minutes of peace.”

Four generations of statelessness, and a lifetime of sorrow. This Rohingya family wants peace.


Four generations of a Rohingya refugee family describe how statelessness has clouded their lives – and their hopes of returning to Myanmar.

This brave grandmother now raises her two granddaughters alone.

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