Risultati della ricerca
  1. Why is trump bent on becoming bestys with Russia, Saudia arabia, and North Korea. Why does he not Address these terrorist drug over taken country's like Venezuela instead and try to stop it at the source by advocating peac and democracy like in NK.

  2. 16 ore fa
  3. 17 ore fa
  4. 22 giu

    : Here's The World’s Biggest Exporters In 2017  

  5. 21 giu

    There will be always "Fast and Furious" banksters in the West who are ready to sell everything and everybody for a buck. The have started already and Hunting Season is ON

  6. 20 giu
  7. 19 giu
  8. 18 giu

    This is incredibly heartbreaking, because it is a reality in many parts of the world that have been torn apart by for far too long. May all the and bloodshed come to an end. May prevail on Earth!

  9. 16 giu

    The of the Pass of Brander (Loch Awe) in forms a small part of what's known as the of Scottish , which was a victory for King Robert Bruce over the MacDougalls of . The date is not exactly know but the late summer of 1308 is most likely

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