
🌨🌨🌨 Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there’s a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.

Balikpapan Indonesia
Iscritto a gennaio 2018


Hai bloccato @Jamshid05271784

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  1. ha ritwittato
    7 mag

    7-May-2018 111 from our tireless Demonstration in detention center. We are successively and tirelessly continuing our peaceful protest against wrongfully imprisoned in here for past 4 years till the last person set up free from this limbo. Please share it broadly.

  2. ha ritwittato
    5 mag

    Day 109 of our peacefull protest in IDC. Detention is harmfull. Four years in the jail is ENOUGH!

  3. 5 mag

    Implementation of thr project from Salang route does not have economic justification, and harms the national interest and economy of Afghanistan. 🌐

  4. 5 mag

    We call for balanced development, equality and justice for all citizens, and this is the right of every citizen.

  5. 5 mag

    Having the security and the life in peace and sharing the power and the state is the right of every citizen, but Hazaras are deprived of this right.

  6. 5 mag

    We are calling on the international community and Afghanistan to work hard to achieve justice in Afghanistan

  7. 5 mag

    We are calling on the international community and Afghanistan to work hard to achieve justice in Afghanistan

  8. 5 mag

    Why does pave the way for discrimination in Afghanistan? Technical and economic reviews suggest Bamiyan route for the transmission line while Afghan government and ADB have selected Salang route instead.

  9. 5 mag

    The fund of must assist countries to stand on their own feet.

  10. 5 mag

    3-TUTAP's route change to Salang is against and inconsistent with the Afghanistan's Electricity Master Plan which has been developed by the Bank itself and still is valid for the Bank as an official document. (Master Plan document on the website of the bank: http//

  11. 5 mag

    We are asking tommillers to look at the money they are giving to the government of Afghanistan

  12. 5 mag

    Hazaras do not not have equal rights in Afghanistan, and the government actually suppresses us

  13. 5 mag

    Problems with the decission of ADB regarding funding of changed plan of power line from Bamyan route to Salang route. #

  14. 5 mag

    We demand the realization of justice, equality and justice

  15. 5 mag

    We call for balanced development

  16. 5 mag

    We ask not to deprive Hazaras of Afghanistan of the right to development and economic betterment. 500 kV power transmission line should be routed through Bamiyan-Wardak based on the master plan.

  17. 4 mag

    Silence against injustice, oppression and genocide against Hazaras in Afghanistan is not fair.

  18. 4 mag

    Hazaras are human beings, who are oppressed and killing for peace, adversity and equality.

  19. 4 mag

    Stop! Discrimination against Hazara's ethnicity in Afghanistan.

  20. 4 mag

    Hazaras in Afghanistan are calling for peace and equality and justice


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