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  2. Jul 1

    The crisis continues with boats full of young African men. No women or children are to be seen.

  3. Jul 3

    (🔴BREAKING) DEAD AND MISSING AT SEA: Since June 1st, attempted crossings from have become THE RISKIEST since accurate public recordings started in 2016. ALMOST 1 IN 10 died or went missing upon departure from the Libyan coast bettween June 1st and July 2nd. 👇

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  4. Jul 2

    Prof. Guy Godwin-Gill says, with EU situation, the 'language of crisis' has been co-opted by those who wish to push a narrative of invasion

  5. Jun 30

    Sneaking into a country doesn’t make you an “immigrant” any more than breaking into a house makes you “part of the family”

  6. Jul 3

    (🔴BREAKING) After the sudden drop in departures from since 16 July 2017, the absolute number of dead and missing had abated. Astoundingly, we are now BACK to pre-drop levels. 679 persons have died or gone missing upon leaving Libya since June 1st. 👇

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  7. Jun 28

    Opinion: There is no “crisis” in . Just a political & moral crisis abetted by demagogic populists & far-right politicians adept at manipulating public opinion. Actual migration to is sharply down. Anti-immigrant hostility is largely a man-made phenomenon.

  8. 17 hours ago

    Very excited to learn more about trails these next few days!

  9. Jul 3

    International migrants experience declining health conditions as their dietary pattern gradually shaped by receiving countries, says Dr Abel Chickanda

  10. Jul 4

    🤔🚢📈🧐📉. Some people claim that deaths along the Central Med route increased because NGOs' activity raised migrants' propensity to attempt a risky journey. Is there any evidence whatsoever for this? Uh, NOPE. 👇

  11. Jun 28

    << Italy and Greece smoulder with resentment at having been left alone to deal with arrivals. Northern countries blame the south for not patrolling their Mediterranean borders enabling migrants to "slip away" northwards towards the richer .>>

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  12. 2 hours ago

    An is someone who has the financial means to relocate legally in search of better career prospects. A person who goes through or has to swim the in search of safety & is called a

  13. Jun 28

    Public partnerships team joining the challenge from to support the rights of and . We now challenge you:

  14. Jun 26

    Sen. @CortezMasto describes life in a Texas shelter and says detainees told her that they were prevented from watching news of family separations: "If there is any type of news about the families and the children and being detained, they'll change the channel on them."

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  15. Jul 2

    "So the next time you're tempted to think of a or a as an animal infesting our country remember that they're human beings with stories just like you"

  16. Jul 2

    So the party that is responsible for the death of 70 million babies in the womb, and a welfare system that rewards women for keeping men out of the home, is now the champion of 2000 children being separated at the border? THEY ARE PLAYING YOU.

  17. Jul 1

    Many of ’s biggest issues in today’s elections involve the US - like these kids dancing in a shelter in Mexico City - stuck in limbo, Central Americans can’t go back home b/c of gang violence but fear they will be put in cages/or separated in the US – at Mexico City (DF)

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  18. Last night, 25 more kids were found and four were under the age of 14 months old. We won’t rest until EVERY child is safe and back with their families.

  19. 33 minutes ago
  20. 16 hours ago
    Replying to and

    Saw the -press-conference: Full points to Orban. of already told : No -deal that will hurt Austria. The way things are going more & more -countries will close their borders.

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