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  1. 6 ore fa
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    I read today that one big reason Trumpsters want the centers on military bases is so they will be able to always block the UN. That's scary & begs the question - why? What are they hiding?

  2. 7 ore fa
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    Don't forget Amy NO 1 has said anything about them. 1 was 8 1/2 months pregnant! There was quite a few! I think 87. Where is she and her baby? Why doesn't anyone ask about them??

  3. 16 ore fa
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    Call Karen Handel's office and leave a voice mail of the recording. Repeat for every GOP MOC.

  4. 18 ore fa
  5. 20 ore fa
  6. 20 ore fa
  7. 20 ore fa
  8. 20 giu

    Today is my birthday, and all I want is for the US to stop ripping babies from their parents. In the meantime I’m having an party & anyone who agrees is invited. 1. Like 2. Follow 3. Retweet 4. Comment 5. I will follow back

  9. 20 giu
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    Questo è solo l'inizio, il mondo non sa nulla o non ha visto nulla di ciò che deve venire in America. Piccoli bambini e bambine portati via e non visti più. Non credere in Trump e persone come lui.

  10. 20 giu

    Can’t help but wonder how many of Trump’s cronies have back end business deals making money off of resources supplied to these Tender Age Shelters?! House GOP Rachel Maddow

  11. If you’ve ever breastfed a baby, you know being separated from them is physically painful and will cause you to stop lactating. There is no guarantee a breastfed baby will take to bottle-feeding right away. This is physical torture for mother and child.

  12. 20 giu

    Baby Jails. They can call them all they want, but they’re . Babies are innocent.

  13. 20 giu

    Go to where is showing outside a place where girls, toddlers, and babies are imprisoned. One of 4 now. It's called 'Casa Presidente' OMG. We share your tears Rachel . Live reporting now.

  14. 20 giu

    Aww 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🇨🇦I was brought to tears I can't imagine being an american & knowing my was such an Animal this is barbaric!

  15. 20 giu

    is in tears over the new breaking story about where the infants are. I have NEVER seen her at a loss for words, unable to speak, choking & barely able to hand off to on . This must be a horrible story.

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  16. 20 giu

    Tender age? Where are the babies goddammit?! These babies me never see their parents again we have stolen their babies. No way to “match them up”

  17. 19 giu

    I guarantee that she knows exactly what's happening to the young girls. And it's ugly! ? She knows about the babies and it's not pretty. ?

  18. 19 giu

    Call every single Representative and every single Senator and tell them - You can write them, or email them as well! (202) 224-3121

  19. 19 giu

    they can track kids and parents in and out of chuckie cheese - no one is “lost” - none go missing DEMAND REUNIFICATION PLANS

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