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Happy to welcome to the
#OECD family our 36th Member,#Lithuania! We are becoming more plural, more diverse & inclusive. We look forward to working together and to continue promoting better policies for better lives.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Employment across the OECD is recovering to its pre-crisis levels but wage growth remains sluggish. Our
#OECD Employment Outlook 2018 recommends building the right skills, developing national activation strategies and supporting strong & self-regulated social Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mis sinceras felicitaciones a Andrés Manuel
@lopezobrador_, por su triunfo en las elecciones Presidenciales de México. La#OCDE está lista para apoyar al nuevo Gobierno de México en el diseño e implementación de mejores políticas para un crecimiento más incluyente y sustentable.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
The contribution of migrants to our economies & societies is huge. Well-managed, evidence-based migration policies & debates are essential to ensure understanding & support from native-born citizens.Presenting the 2018
#OECD International Migration Outlook: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Productive Meeting of International Organisations in Berlin with Chancellor Merkel. More than ever IOs must coordinate & support each other to show that multilateralism delivers for people & remains the only effective way to ensure human progress in an interconnected world. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Honoré d’accueillir le Président Macron à l'
#OCDE pour ouvrir la Réunion Ministérielle 2018. Au cours des deux prochains jours, nous nous efforcerons de remodeler les fondations de la coopération multilatérale afin de la rendre plus responsable, efficace et Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#OECD is delighted to welcome Presidents Grybauskaitė and Santos to celebrate the accessions of#Lithuania and#Colombia to the OECD. This a historic day and a new chapter in the OECD’s impact and relevance. Sveika įstojus į EBPO, Lietuva! ¡Colombia, bienvenida a la OCDE! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#multilatéralisme avance pour répondre aux défis interconnectés de notre. L’OCDE est là pour aider à trouver des
#solutions efficaces pour le 21ème siècle. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#Multilateralism is on the move to meet the interconnected challenges facing ourtoday. The
@OECD is here to help find effective#solutions for the 21st century. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#OECD Economic Outlook: world growth around 4% & rising employment, but risks like trade tensions & financial volatility loom large. It's time to reform for inclusive & sustainable growth w/ better social safety nets & investment in skills & infrastructure Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
I met with Ministers Pappas
@nikospappas16 and@alexischaritsis of Greece before the#OECD 2018 Ministerial Council Meeting. Delighted to launch the OECD’s support to Greece’s new Growth Strategy for the Future and its National Digital Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#Paraguay for joining the most comprehensive multilateral tax co-operation instrument: the#OECD Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. This instrument is a breakthrough in our collective ambition & effort for tax Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#OECD welcomes 2 milestones in#Peru's effort to fight corruption & foster transparency:accession to the Anti-Bribery Convention & ratification of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. ¡Qué buena noticia! More here: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
It is time to reflect on
#WhatBringsUsTogether, seize our diversity & strengthen our connectedness to build a new approach to globalisation, one that leaves no one behind. What unites us is more powerful than what divides us! My#OECDForum opening speech Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Delighted to open the 2018
#OECDForum with Mayor@Anne_Hidalgo.#WhatBringsUsTogether today is a conviction that multilateralism is needed more than ever and that international co-operation is the most enlightened way to improve our well-being, perhaps the only Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Happy to welcome
@ian_goldin to the#OECD as part of the Coffees of the SG series to speak about 'Renaissance 2.0: Globalisation, Disruption & Policy'. He discussed making the most of the advantages of globalisation & fast-paced technological change & tackling emerging Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
I just launched with the Foreign Minister of Sweden
@margotwallstrom the first#GlobalDeal Flagship Report on Building Trust in a Changing World of Work. We want to foster decent work, quality jobs & higher productivity, and promote greater equality & inclusive Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Today I launched the 2018
#OECD Eco Survey of Greece w/PM Alexis Tsipras@PrimeministerGR. Remarkable reform efforts are bearing fruit, but still facing challenges. Time to focus on inclusive growth & social progress. Debt relief, job creation & boosting investment are essential! Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Bienvenu Président Macron à l'
#OCDE, lors de la Conférence Ministérielle sur la Lutte Contre le Financement de DAECH et d'Al-Qaïda, « No Money for Terror ». Nous devons agir collectivement pour assécher les sources de financement du terrorisme et prévenir la Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Hoy presentamos en San José el Estudio Económico de Costa Rica de la
#OCDE. Restaurar la sostenibilidad de las finanzas públicas es prioridad. Costa Rica debe impulsar la productividad, la calidad educativa y la inclusión para q el crecimiento se traduzca en mejor calidad de Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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