
SGI is a non-profit Christian organization focused on serving Muslims in need, both in the U.S. and around the world.

Iscritto a marzo 2011


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  1. 13 ore fa

    The pre-schoolers in Greece got really creative with their building toys! They wanted to be like their big brothers and sisters who made a model of the London Eye! Pictures of that coming in a few days!

  2. 21 giu
  3. 20 giu

    Our teams in Greece are having so many new a great experiences. Riding in foreign taxis is always an adventure! And they drive so fast! Have you had any taxi adventures?

  4. 19 giu

    We're loving the shirt that we have for our summer volunteers!

  5. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    16.2 million people were forced to flee in 2017. 44,400 people ever single day. 🗓️ 1 person every 2 seconds. ⏱️ UNHCR Global Trends -

  6. 18 giu

    Thumbs up from our little Medes School friends! Way to go on making progress on a Monday! Do not give up while doing good! Don't despise the day of small things!

  7. 17 giu

    Feeling a bit crazy? We always say you have to be a little crazy to want to live in Iraq. =D Join us!

  8. 16 giu

    ... and a very great amount of spices and precious stones. Never again did such abundance of spices come in as that which the queen of Sheba gave King Solomon. 1 Kings 10:10 Sometimes the spice piles feel royal.

  9. 15 giu

    One of our teams is currently working hard in Greece! Please pray for them!

  10. 14 giu

    We have the best boss! brought us all ice cream sandwiches! Great summer kickoff! =D

  11. 13 giu

    We miss the fruits and veggies in Iraq. So many of them were really excellent. But really good (except for apples). What fruits or veggies are better where you live than anywhere else?

  12. 12 giu
  13. 11 giu

    The boats keep arriving. Total number of refugees on the islands: 15,495. Check out Aegean Boat Report.

  14. 10 giu

    "He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." Dt. 8:3 What do you hunger for? What did you learn?

  15. 9 giu

    We had such a great time at our first feeding program day. We had our office staff be the volunteers for the first one and we had a great time with the kids! Made some new friends from all over the world!

  16. 8 giu

    A young girl carries her brother through the Herjalleh shelter in rural Damascus where they are staying after fleeing fighting in Eastern Ghouta. © UNHCR/Ola Kabalan ( #📷 )

  17. 7 giu

    "If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." ~1 Co 13:1,2

  18. 6 giu

    A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. ~Marcus Garvey What in your history or culture shapes you?

  19. 5 giu

    If you had to guess where this photo was taken where would you guess? Did you guess Iraq? We're looking forward to getting some of our families with kids on the podcast.

  20. 2 giu

    You know how in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" Edmund is lured by Turkish delight? This is and it isn't as good as the story makes it out to be.


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