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  1. ha ritwittato
    18 mag

    Did you know that Africa's most successful Olympian is actually a 🏊‍♀️swimmer?

  2. 27 gen
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    The importance of a solid national database cannot be stressed enough. It demands more attention than is currently being given cos of competing demands from other critical sectors, health defence, education

  3. 27 gen
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    Political economy and support Yes a lot need to be discussed and analysed, market size, we do have a young population and d projections show a high increase. The purchasing power of this increasing population is another issue. The balance is needed.

  4. 27 gen
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    We need to act and fast, climate change is rushing to us and we may be d ones less equiped to tackle. Strategic planning, political will and simple pragmatic policies needed

  5. 27 gen
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    It means other areas can certainly be explored and we can lead d way. Agric based industries have a long way to to with all d levels of business and enterpreneurship that can be connected. Agree Its time to find other success areas

  6. 27 gen
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    Yes, the mobile banking guys in East Africa. Recognised d huge informal sector and lack of formalised banking coverage. Now Its everywhere. Technology, planning, implementation, partnership. Impressive !!!

  7. 27 gen
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    We should not adopt directly but use as a guide in Creating our own systems to reflect our reality. Having a central govt backing, resources and training, exposure to d youth involved, partnership with industry in training and marketing/networking schemes can be devt, our own!!

  8. 27 gen
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    We can always learn from successful enterpreneurship schemes and programs in other systems and environments. It also demands d same scientific and careful planning and not only rhetorics from leaders for youth to create own jobs. Start ups and survival rates analysis needed.

  9. 25 gen
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    This is terrible!!!!

  10. 23 lug 2017
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    Lowest costs in Ghana

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