Pablo Mateu


Humanitarian worker and currently working as UNHCR Representative in Ukraine. Views expressed here are strictly my own. RTs do not imply endorsement

Joined May 2011


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  1. 2 hours ago

    Good example of collective action in favor of in 🇺🇦. 600+ students (many of them displaced from ) in able to study in better conditions thanks to government funds mobilized by + support from and community

  2. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Iryna Gerashchenko, Ukraine's rep in Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk, has called for to hold a negotiation on a prisoner exchange between and in the next few days. She said she added 13 extra people to Ukraine's list of 23 Russians to be exchanged.

  3. Retweeted

    4 роки тому ми звільнили окуповані Росією та її найманцями Слов’янськ та Краматорськ. Неодмінно звільнимо і все інше. За ці 4 роки ми стали кращими, але це лише початок. Маємо бути згуртованими та зосередженими на своїй меті.

  4. Retweeted

    Thanks for reminding us these shocking numbers, decisions to cut rescue at sea capacities also lead to more deaths

  5. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    After moving to another investigative detention facility in Russia the youngest Ukrainian political prisoner Pavlo Gryb was beaten by the convicts when they learned he is accused of preparing a "terrorist attack".

  6. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    Toninelli, si concentri: finanziare la Guardia costiera libica, che secondo l’Unhcr coincide con i trafficanti di esseri umani, significa fomentare il traffico e non fermarlo. Significa finanziare torturatori. Da me non avrete nessun aiuto: non sarò mai vostro complice.

  7. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    ❗️❗️❗️Протягом червня у портах Криму зафіксовано 21 вантажне судно-порушник. Всі судна були під прапором РФ. Загалом цими суднами здійснено 70 заходів до портів Севастополя та Керчі

  8. Retweeted

    Principal Deputy Chief Monitor Alexander Hug briefed p States on situation on ground, during an informal meeting today. Causes of increasing number of fatalities - heavy weapons, proximity of the sides - remain unaddressed Photo: OSCE/Jonathan Perfect

  9. Jul 4

    Definitely the case in where counts on great support from and its Ambassador

  10. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    Last week we inaugurated Karlivska Pumping Station, which now secures steady supply to more than 300,000 people in Donetsk Oblast. Have a look.

  11. Jul 4

    Happy July 4 to all US🇺🇸 citizens in Ukraine. remains 's strongest donor and Amb. Jovanovitch a firm advocate for rights of from and . Thanks to them we are able to protect and assist displaced and conflict-affected persons in UA🇺🇦

    , , and 2 others
  12. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    We've had feedback over the last week that some people are unhappy with our plan to offer up to 14 scholarships to refugees living in the local area. To these people, we would like to say: Tough. Jog on.

  13. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    After 100 years of massive US interference in Central America there is no longer interest nor empathy for the victims of violence there.

  14. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    Our cooperation with agencies is unprecedented. By filling the gap between humanitarian and development response, we are able to provide better support to refugees and host communities.

  15. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    These inspiring Danish students are helping refugees apply to university 🇩🇰 Read full story:

  16. Retweeted

    Star of US Embassy 4th July BBQ was Slava Vakarchuk, Ukrainian rock star who may/may not run for president in 2019. Between selfies, he told me about his politics but wouldn’t say if he’ll run. He did say: “I’ll be increasingly more involved in politics. I can no longer abstain.”

  17. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    I 100 migranti (tra cui 3 neonati) annegati pochi giorni fa nel Mediterraneo potevano essere salvati. La responsabilità politica della strage è dei ministri Salvini e Toninelli, che hanno impedito alle Ong di prestare soccorso, e dell'Europa che li ha lasciati fare. Via

  18. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    "We do not recognize Russia’s attempt to annex Crimea... And our Crimea sanctions against Russia will remain in place until 🇷🇺returns the peninsula to 🇺🇦." Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Press Briefing

  19. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    Norway joins EU and others in expressing support for the Global Compact for Refugees. Final round of consultations today . Important step for improved assistance to refugees and their hosts ,, , ,

  20. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    Young refugees are active as community workers in Rohingya settlements in Bangladesh. They help refugees understand, speak out, be heard and participate. A great project supported by UNHCR.


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