Mohammed AdemoAccount verificato


Dad •Freelance journalist •Past and •Founder and • alum • 414-367-6642 Opinions my own.

DC by way of Minnesota and NYC
Iscritto a agosto 2009
Compleanno: 12 aprile


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  1. Tweet fissato
    2 apr

    Abiy Ahmed Ali, 41, sworn-in as 's Prime Minister. In a broad-ranging speech, he made an impassioned appeal to Ethiopian unity and called for democracy, stability and improved relations with Eritrea. If he governors based on those ideals, he'll remake EPRDF and Ethiopia.

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  2. 3 ore fa

    Excellent news! to amend a trio of repressive laws that were previously instrumentalized to muzzle opposition activities and stifle dissent—Freedom of the Mass Media and Access to Information Proclamation, the CSO law, and the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation.

  3. ha ritwittato
    4 ore fa

    Federal Police Commission Commissioner, Zeyinu Jemal said 4 - 5 million people attended yesterday's demonstration in support of PM . The organizers of the demonstration said the crowd was 6 million.

  4. ha ritwittato
    5 ore fa

    UN Secretary-General condemns the explosion on Saturday at a rally attended by PM Abiy Ahmed; conveys his condolences to the families of the victims & wishes a speedy recovery to those injured; expresses his solidarity with the Gov and People of Ethiopia

  5. ha ritwittato
    22 ore fa

    1/2: Ilearned with shock and dismay of today's attack at a peaceful rally in Addis Ababa in support of PM Abiy Ahmed’s reform agenda.I strongly condemn this cowardly attack. The family stands in full solidarity with the people and Government of .

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  6. ha ritwittato
    20 ore fa

    Fantastic to be a witness to the Ethiopian people's massive outpouring of support for continued political and economic reforms at today's meeting at Meskel Square. The cowardly attempt on PM Abiy's life will not change anything.

  7. ha ritwittato
    21 ore fa

    Update as of 9:00pm: Total casualties: 156 Currently admitted: 50 Admitted, treated & sent home: 5 In critical condition: 8 Death: 1

  8. ha ritwittato
    22 ore fa

    Nine members of the Federal and Addis Ababa Police Commissions in custody & under investigation. This includes Girma Kassa, deputy commissioner of Addis Ababa Police Commission, who was on TV earlier in the day. ~ETV

  9. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    I convey my deepest condolences and solidarity to and the people of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 🇪🇹 following the cowardly and outrageous attack in Addis Ababa. Kenya stands with Ethiopia against these cowardly people.

  10. ha ritwittato
    23 ore fa

    Ethiopia's new PM Abiy Ahmed is a new light guiding Ethiopia's renewal and transformation, writes for

  11. 24 ore fa

    Oh! how has changed: - PM addresses the biggest rally EVER, organized to express support for his reforms efforts. - Spoilers throw a hand grenade toward the stage. - PM goes on TV and addresses the nation. - PM visits families, victims and first responders in hospital.

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  12. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    PG7 condemns in the strongest terms possible the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed while attending a peaceful rally in Mesqel Square. - condemns in the strongest terms possible the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed wh...

  13. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    HE PM Dr Abiy visited today’s attack victims, in a hospital now. He offered his heartfelt encouragement. He told them they represent the true spirit of love, forgiveness & togetherness. They all are our inspiration, our courage & a true reminder of what is good in us.

  14. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to health professionals who are working hard to save lives. You are serving your people at a time of need. Students also joined their seniors in providing critical life saving emergency care. Thank you on behalf of all Ethiopians.

  15. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    Update: The new Commissioner General of the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission, Zeynu Jemal, said number of the injured reached 165 (one death so far). Six suspects are under police custody and are being investigated, according to the commissioner.

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  16. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    I am saddened by the senseless attack on the innocent victims in Addis Ababa. These acts by a few cowards would not deter progress in . I spoke on the phone with H.E Abiy Ahmed. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

  17. 23 giu
  18. 23 giu

    Update: OPride initially reported four deaths based on sources at Addis Ababa Police Commission and a senior government official. Authorities now say only one person had died. Story updated to reflect the change. Cc:

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  19. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    Thread: My BBC team & I were covering the rally in support of Ethiopia's new Prime Minister (PM) in downtown today. Our coverage was on both radio & TV as thousands of people came out. We were based near the stage where PM Abiy was due to address the crowd.

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  20. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    The mass rally is all about Ethiopia having love and respect for each other. Hate will never win. Together will shall prevail. The perpetrators must face the full force of the law.

  21. 23 giu

    Timely and contextual op-ed from on ongoing reforms in , today's rally and PM Abiy Ahmed's recent startling admission of guilt:

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