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The Stream
The Stream is a web community and daily television show powered by social media and citizen journalism. Now on Al Jazeera English.
The Stream 1m
Phoenix residents take over city council meeting for five hours to protest police use of force
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The Stream 3h
What impact is climate change having on already aging infrastructure in the US? Share your thoughts for our show on Tuesday.
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The Stream 5h
Amid a teacher strike, a powerful image shakes up Peruvian social media
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The Stream 7h
Thanks to our guests , , & Guglielmo. Keep the conversation going with .
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The Stream 7h
. says that historically when fascists gained power, there weren't many people self-identifying with the ideology.
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The Stream 7h
Replying to @MochaLisaccino
Thanks for tweeting in. What kind of tactics do you think are most effective in combating fascist organisations?
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The Stream 7h
Replying to @LouisChidube
Why do you think that's the case?
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The Stream 7h
. says there are dozens and dozens of examples of antifa groups shutting down fascist organising before their groups can grow.
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The Stream 7h
. says that people wearing masks in antifa protests are doing so to protect themselves from laws created to prevent protest.
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The Stream 7h
. says there's reason to be concerned about racism & xenophobia, but cautions against using tactics like vigilantism.
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The Stream 7h
Antifa activist Guglielmo is discussing & calls to reopen an anti-fascist center in Bologna shut down by police.
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Babangida Ruma 7h
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The Stream 7h
. says it's easy to think anti-fascism is a product of the Internet & angry young men but it's actually rooted in history.
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The Stream 7h
Also in The Stream: Babu Omowale, Co-founder of & columnist Anthony L. Fisher ().
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The Stream 7h
Joining The Stream: Author & historian Mark Bray () & senior editor at , Eleanor K. Penny ().
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The Stream 7h
We discuss the origins & impact of . What misconceptions do people have? Tune in now: & tweet with
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EagleParade 8h
Replying to @AJStream
Disband. Reputation is tarnished. They do more harm to their cause than they think. Its easy for agitators to blend in. Only helps to divide
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The Stream retweeted
Hakima 8h
or non-Eurocentric version: antifa organizing grows out of the anti-imperialist & anti-colonial struggles of the last two centuries
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The Stream 8h
Is helping fuel more extreme political views? We discuss in 15 minutes.
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Antifatwa 8h
Replying to @AJStream
any Neo Nazi alt right group is dangerous bc their end political goal is ethnic cleansing, we need to defend ourselves
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