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is dedicated to providing life-changing humanitarian support to refugees, displaced and stateless people.
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 21
Our Filippo Grandi has expressed his gratitude to Kenya for providing safety to almost half a million refugees
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Assadullah Nasrullah Dec 21
with 📷 16 inspiring high achieving refugee students selected for scholarship. “I am very keen to promote more education opportunities and especially vocational training for refugees." UN in Kenya
. expressed his appreciation to the host community of for hosting for the past 26 years. He reiterated UNHCR’s commitment to continue supporting them
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 20
Esther is on a mission to inspire girls and change the narrative around refugees in Africa. She is part of the
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Filippo Grandi Dec 19
President confirmed Kenya’s hospitality to refugees & said that faster+bigger development support must be given to Kenyan communities hosting them.
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Filippo Grandi Dec 20
Honoured to visit Kenya with Canada’s Minister of Immigration . He announced a generous 25m $ current+future aid package for vulnerable Somalis+Kenyans, and Somali refugees in Kenya.
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Filippo Grandi Dec 20
In Dadaab, some refugees choose to return to Somalia but many others wait for security to improve. Donor support continues to be critical for their survival.
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Melissa Fleming Dec 20
My interview from the 26-year-old Dadaab Refugee Camp, home to over 250,000 Somali refugees. Why are some deciding to return home & others still apprehensive? Do listen:
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Cathy Wachiaya Dec 19
“We will not give up on Somalia, we will continue to protect & search for solutions for you”- to refugees in
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Melissa Fleming Dec 19
This little girl is leaving her home in the Dadaab Refugee Camp where she was born for an uncertain future with her family in Somalia. Her parents assure UNHCR they understand the dangers and are returning voluntarily. They are hoping home will give her a future of peace.
“We will continue speaking about Somali refugees, we need to extend protection to them when they are in host countries and to help them return home when they choose to do so.” UN Filippo Grandi in Kenya
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Assadullah Nasrullah Dec 19
UNHCR was in today, he visited in the camp, met with their leaders and listened to their needs & concerns. He reassured them of UNHCR support in international protection, health, education, WASH etc.
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 19
📽 📡 LIVE NOW: in Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp + + discuss the progress & challenges of Somalis inside the country and of refugees displaced in the region Join us:
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 19
Join live with + in Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp 📽 📡 They will discuss the progress & challenges of Somalis inside the country and of refugees displaced in the region. TIME: 1.30PM Kenya/10.30am London
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Filippo Grandi Dec 17
Support to Somalia must remain strong as rebuilding of the nation progresses. I assured President Farmajo that UNHCR will continue to help refugees, returnees & displaced people, as it has done for decades.
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Gisella Lomax 🌍 Dec 17
A small country in the Horn of Africa is setting a big example on how to welcome refugees. 🇩🇯
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#Mogulinthemaking Dec 15
Let's be the generation that takes care of its own and is passionate about giving Visit for more information.
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2 Brathaz - Saka Pesa [PapichuloMusic) via 💥💥💥
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Mohamed Affey Dec 17
President Farmajo welcomed the contribution of towards the stabilization and development of Somalia and pledged to support the return and reintegration activities in the country.
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UNHCRSomalia Dec 17
Today our HC was welcomed by President of & PM of & Governor of . thanked for supporting & in Somalia & globally.
refugee schools posted very impressive results recording a mean score of 271.70 (out of 500) compared to 231.94 in 2016. The top student scored 376 marks, while the top ranked girl had 358 marks.
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 14
“The world cannot continue to stand by as the people of are terrorized by a senseless war,” marks the crisis’ 4th year
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Duke Mwancha Dec 14
With Amina Rwibo, an award winning film director from Kakuma camp. She graced the global at the UN office in Nairobi where she gave a moving speech about her motivation for filmmaking. She is so inspiring.
“The situation is no longer sustainable - for the governments of asylum countries, humanitarian agencies and, most importantly, the South Sudanese people.”
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 13
Today we mark four years since the outbreak of ’s civil war, and call on all sides to end the conflict, the deepening humanitarian crisis and Africa’s largest refugee crisis.
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 10
Discrimination. Exclusion. Persecution. These words often describe the existence of stateless minorities.
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UN Refugee Agency Dec 9
Human rights don’t change based on race, religion, sex or nationality. Human rights don’t change based on whether you seek safety by land, air or sea.
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Filippo Grandi Dec 9
People fleeing persecution, violence and war are often pushed back, imprisoned, discriminated, treated as irregular migrants. Seeking asylum is not a crime. It is a human right.
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Terrie Nekesa Ongaro Dec 8
enjoys fun moments with members of The Maisha Collective and fashionistas modeling their own creations in a fitting finale of her first visit to in , thanks to transforming communities one girl at a time.
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David Kang'ethe Dec 8
Riike Friis, International Dir, had an opportunity this morning to see how Kakuma, Kenya, is turning green through refugees and host communities training on agribusiness. The DRC Livelihoods and Resilience programmes are funded by DFID (SPARK), and