Omar WaraichVerified account


Deputy South Asia Director, | Words: , , | | Views mine, RTs, likes, links ≠ endorsement

South Asia
Joined February 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jul 1

    "I say, protect the innocent, protect those journalists who are doing their duty and who are serving both the public and the Government by criticizing the Government freely, independently, honestly which is an education for any Government" - Jinnah, Sept 1918

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    The Aramco IPO was supposed to be a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s grand economic makeover. It looks like it may never happen. by

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    A lot of us take things for granted. Theres many children and people out there with a life x10 worse than us. Appreciate what you have! Would be cool if set something up for kids like this

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    4 hours ago

    CEO, 22 others sentenced to 20 years in jail in fake degrees case

  6. Even if you hate Neymar (), you love this. The kids who'll be cheering tomorrow, from the world's largest refugee camp.

  7. Every child should have the chance to follow their dreams. Meet Mohammad Jahangir Alam, the 17 year old Rohingya and fan from the world’s largest refugee camp

  8. Retweeted

    Watching the ? Meet Mohammad, the 17 year old & fan from the world’s largest refugee camp.

  9. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    . leads the team supporting on behalf of in Cox’s Bazar, . He is worth a follow, let’s get him over 1000 followers tonight. Please RT.

  10. "Have some shame sir. Have some shame. We are not fools" - Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein, chief slams Myanmar government claims, calls for ICC investigation into crimes against the Rohingya

  11. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    UN Special Rapporteurs on extrajudicial killings + human rights defenders have issued a statement calling on to make “urgent progress in investigation of hundreds of ‘fake encounter’ killings” allegedly committed by security forces in

  12. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and UN High Commissioner for Refuges, Filippo Grandi, made clear during their recent mission to Bangladesh that the Myanmar population forced to flee here are , they are , and they are entitled to citizenship.

  13. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    We've had feedback over the last week that some people are unhappy with our plan to offer up to 14 scholarships to refugees living in the local area. To these people, we would like to say: Tough. Jog on.

  14. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    A stinging BBC piece by Ahmed Rashid on how media, particularly Dawn, is being stifled ahead of the elections.

  15. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    "What is occurring is a decapitation of political leadership on the eve of the election. Media is required to be silent about it... We are being targeted because we don't believe that kind of silence is what this country is all about"- Hameed Haroon, Dawn CEO, on press freedom

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  16. Jul 3

    "If there was a sense of fear, now it is complete. Now there is not just sense of fear, it's panic."

  17. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    "I feel very insecure. I have restricted my son's movement. I worry every time my husband or I go out," ⁦⁩ said

  18. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    This is one of the most chilling articles I've read in some time. has created a tiered system distinguishing between citizens and "ghetto" citizens, who are predominantly Muslim Some of the details are actually hard to believe:

  19. Retweeted
    Jul 2
  20. Jul 2
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  21. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    Human rights activist, lawyer & an election candidate has been picked up by police in . This is a terrifying video to watch in an increasingly chaotic pre election environment and it is completely unacceptable.


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