My heartfelt wishes to everyone celebrating Eid al-Fitr marking the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan. Let us all take inspiration from Ramadan's spirit of compassion and solidarity. Eid Mubarak.
You don’t have any responsibility for our family in long suffering political and humanity you can’t speak any word about our oppression from tyrants before and now in this fascist and injustice and corrupt they criminals state in Baghdad so you can’t believe in eid you are so far
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لماذا ساكت ايها السكرتير العام أليس فيك شعور انساني أليس فيك جدارة حقوقية لقيم ومبادئ حقوق الانسان وتتفوه بكلمة واحدةلماذا نحن وعوائلنا تحت ظلم وفساد واستبداد عصابة بغداد وأجنداتها الإقليمية والدولية التي لا تقوم لها قائمة بإذن الحق تعالى 80 عيد سنوي ونحن في ظلم واظطهاد تكلم الحق
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You're very right bro. We don't have to trust the UN & the leaders because it's becoming clear to the whole world that UN is a blood sucking agent. Thesame case of killings in Southern Cameroon but the UN boss went & collected gives from the oppressor dictator & remained quiet.
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