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  1. What’s worse? What happened to or having there be an actual decision that says if you’re , certain people don’t have to serve you. take to whole other level. I’d hashtag clueless but unfortunately they know exactly what they’re doing.

  2. 4 ore fa

    Those folk best start ordering in. Looking like folk are done . Who'd have thought torturing kids would be the last straw.

  3. 4 ore fa
    In risposta a

    And why is she using her account to send a personal tweet? Seems to me there's a law under the United States Code against using her public office for private gain..... not that anyone in this 's would care about ethics 🤨

  4. 4 ore fa

    An administration that engages in kidnapping shouldn't be allowed to dine with decent people.

  5. 7 ore fa
  6. 10 ore fa
    In risposta a e

    You think your attacks on the press corps in the briefings is treating someone with respect? Must be a different than I was raised in.

  7. 10 ore fa

    A dark hovers above the with the unfolding of the under . If he is not stopped, it will take years for the to be healed, if ever. is so easily but very hard to regain. kills, heals.

  8. 11 ore fa

    Immigration Enforcement Has White House Reporters In A Tizzy.. The question is where were the tears and compassion during the Obama era, the laws haven't changed. Full Video -

  9. 22 giu

    I don’t care what Melania wears. I don’t care what Jeff Sessions feels. I don’t care where Kirstjen Nielsen eats. I care that they’ve separated babies from their parents. I care that the colludes with .

  10. 21 giu

    Mi piacerebbe molto che per la prima volta ci fosse una donna alla e che avesse i colori giusti... Ma se non fosse possibile e fossero accreditate certe fonti credo che potrebbe essere la persona giusta per quel ruolo... Se serve ci sono

  11. 21 giu
    In risposta a e

    Yeah because Melania ALWAYS goes out with words, ANY words printed on her clothing. Although, those words are the most truthful thing to come out of the in 18 months. Shameful. All of you.

  12. 20 giu
    In risposta a e

    It is a sham to pretend to undo a policy that the itself had started. Their 'so called Zero tolerance policy' is really 'maximum cruelty policy' and THAT they don't want to change. They have every intention to continue separating kids from parents.

  13. 20 giu

    The devil who controls the has been spotted .

  14. 20 giu

    Roba da Matti! C'è un pazzo alla Moment Donald Trump hugs USA flag after immigration speech

  15. 20 giu

    The about kids in cages is a .. It's a cover up for the finding in the . These separations happen in Obama no one had a problem then. interfered in our election not the Russian

  16. 19 giu

    With all the debate going on, how is President Trump doing with his immigration policies?

  17. 19 giu
  18. 19 giu
  19. 19 giu

    Rise Up America. We are a nation founded by immigrants some of whom were probably illegals. Get the imposter out of the

  20. 18 giu

    So the secretary ( ) went from "NO" yesterday, which was a LIE to "We do not apologize for family separations". TODAY! It is LIES --> ALL DAY EVERY DAY <-- AT THE TRUMP ( ).

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