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  1. Jun 28
  2. Jun 27

    Is de burning of homes in the Southern Cameroons one of the duties of UN Police, is the burning of our villages the job for Golden statue give to the UN chief . What a shame, the UN is an enable of conflict & home to dictators criminals.

  3. Jul 4

    Here comes 's brutal forces to Bamenda to perpetrate . More deaths are ready to be recorded. citizens are dying in numbers and world stays silent.

  4. Jun 30

    stood tall on d ongoing in while d rest of d world's universities stay mute including those of abducted & shipped 2 Republic of Cameroon. Am I asking much 2

  5. Jul 2
  6. 7 hours ago

    The refugees in say no to 's humanitarian aid citing he must demilitarise their country first.

  7. Jun 28

    Southern Cameroons Ambazonia in my mind! How can I sleep with all these cries for help! How can I sleep when innocent blood is oozing out from innocent people whose only crime is a cry for the truth & justice?

  8. Jul 2

    State of the Revolution with . 01/07/2018. "We have not forgotten, We promise a hurricane, it is on the way, it is coming and is not going to take any longer, it is on the way" .

  9. 21 hours ago

    Viva No rest until Julius Ayuk Tabe . is free to lead our negotiation to terminate the illegal, exploitative union with . the newest country.

  10. Jul 2
    Replying to and

    This was in the 60s and we are in 2018 Southern Cameroonians say NEVER AGAIN that FR would do to us what they did to the bamilikes in the 60s. SouthernCmrs was never part of LRC when FR signed cooperation agreement with LRC

  11. 21 hours ago

    The Interim Government continues to demand the immediate release of our leaders and all in LRC dungeons. They committed no crime; their abductions and prolonged detention have violated all laws. LRC is now faking their trial.

  12. 20 hours ago

    Parole Parole...that is the Cameroun gov t. Do not expect any action. These are the most stubborn old people on earth. They do not listen to anyone because they are above the law. The burning of houses is continuing and so the killings. .

  13. Jul 3
  14. Jul 3
    Replying to

    Colonialism could have been a completely good initiative in Cameroon if French Cameroonians had their independence different from British Southern Cameroonians. Where do we go from here with all this blood in our land and all our houses down.

  15. Jul 1

    Congrats to , Sweden shouldn't forget to look into the Genocide currently going on in Southern Cameroons by the dictator Paul Biya and his Military forces. The people of Southern Cameroons have been suffering for the past 56 years.

  16. Jul 2
  17. Jun 26

    Running from & into the forest. My home is burnt & my family slaughtered. Now I run but I’ll be back & it will u’re turn to run!

  18. Jun 26

    Has the roots course of southern Cameroon problem suddenly became a phase for Paul biya and France regime to understand We don't ask for humanitarian but RESLUTION 1608 21 APRIL 1961 OR THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 1ST OCTOBER 1961 FUNBAN CONFERENCE

  19. 9 hours ago

    Mr Macron, you and your France to leave alone. Stop recolonising Africa. The world know what you are doing. Your evil plans will not work.

  20. Jul 2
    Replying to

    Southern Cameroons is a Country that has been wronged greatly by Britain and the UNO, trading it to France to be recolonized by LRC. The former British Trust Territory wants Justice and freedom=Independence and Self Rule, that will solve the conflict.

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