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Priti Patel Aug 30
With . leading emergency response in North East Nigeria, providing lifesaving support to 1.5 million people
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Yaru Luo 31m
The wants to cut , a budget that helps poorest & most vulnerable. RT to disagree
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DFID Aug 29
Watch this video from British aid worker , who shows how is saving lives and preventing hunger in Yemen.
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World Food Programme Aug 29
Video diary from WFP aid worker in shows how is helping to provide food to those affected by the conflict
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Salt House Tapas 7m
Well, we went a day early but are all supporting again this year
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DFID Aug 30
are stepping up their emergency assistance to to provide lifesaving food support to 1.5 million people
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Foreign Office 🇬🇧 Aug 27
Minister visited East Africa to see how and the British government is providing a lifeline to millions of people
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DFID Aug 27
UK Aid Match - your chance to have your say on how government aid money is spent:
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DFID Aug 28
Have your say on how to help the world's poorest - for every £1 you donate, the UK government will double it:
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World Child Cancer Aug 30
Double your donations during our upcoming campaign to help Stop the Childhood Cancer Clock 🇬🇧
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"UK aid helped save my babies' life" - CNN reports from Nigeria where is supporting victims of Boko Haram
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Priti Patel 21h
Met this brave women in Nigeria who has survived being trafficked is supporting victims of
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DFID 20h
News - UK cracks down on modern slavery in Nigeria as Priti Patel meets victims in Lagos:
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@dailymailuk · @dfid_uk
David Millican Aug 29
Replying to @theodoraclarke
Congrats. You'll do a great job at promoting
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DFID Aug 29
Esme, from Manchester, met a mother from Yemen whose children were too weak to go to school. is helping millions from going hungry.
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Theo Clarke Aug 29
Announcing my new job as 1st CEO for The Coalition for Global Prosperity! CGP is supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Fdn to champion
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DFID 21h
. meets victims of trafficking in Nigeria and announces new to stamp out for good
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gary brida 47m
Hi as PM please create a Global Britain by ensuring any OECD rule changes make more effective in ending extreme poverty
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In Magwi, Imatong State, , in June 10 Listening Clubs took place on supporting girls at school
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MOST Aug 31
Farewell cake from Andrea to MOST Team. We have really enjoyed working with
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