Risultati della ricerca
  1. 8 ore fa

    Please re-Tweet this poignant reminder to focus on the person, not the disease. (image: )

  2. 13 ore fa

    Love me this satchel. If you hurry, you can too. Only a few left in stock. And best of all ot gives men and women dignified work.

  3. 21 ore fa
  4. 23 ore fa

    Good to hear recognise the value of welfare rights advice in hospital/GP setting.

  5. 22 giu

    Where there is and , treatment works—people know their status and seek out and adhere to treatment. Support and empower people living with HIV. Learn more at .

  6. 22 giu

    What do and mean to you? Visit and share your thoughts.

  7. 22 giu

    "With abuse it doesn't get better. Run while you can" - the voice of South African women living in fear of abuse. 3 women are killed every day, says Violence increases women's vulnerability to HIV and more. They deserve and

  8. 21 giu

    Hugely privileged to have spent the evening sitting next to who has just won MSP of the year. What an inspiration and what a vision that is set to make a transformative difference to those in need of help in society.

  9. 21 giu
    In risposta a

    Un posto da quelli li meglio perderlo che trovarlo ,,

  10. 21 giu

    Where there is and , people can access HIV testing, prevention and treatment services without fear of and . Find out more about our new campaign at .

  11. 20 giu

    “It’s about taking someone into your arms and saying ‘Just because you’ve made a mistake, doesn’t mean you can’t have a new life and a second chance”

  12. 20 giu
    This is #Greece and #Europe
#WorldRefugeeDay #dignity
  13. 20 giu

    Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato all'Istituto dei Sordi di Torino

  14. 19 giu
    In risposta a

    a non ha detto nulla di diretto e preciso. Delle malattie di Toffa abbiamo piene le cosiddette.

  15. 19 giu

    People will have the right to have someone they choose with them when they need it.

  16. 19 giu

    Do you know the name of this beautiful, clean and green city? You can name it or or or or ...name it. It's 📸: 👌

  17. 19 giu

    These are the pride of the .Let us treat them with .

  18. 19 giu

    no one leaves home unless home chases you fire under feet hot blood in your belly it’s not something you ever thought of doing

  19. 18 giu

    Still waiting to hear from regarding Merrie Loots Farm forced removal 💔 Please don’t forget about ✨Patricia Bunn✨ Amanda Campbell CBE

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