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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 22

    Ambazonia,a UN trust territory, colonized and annexed by French cameroon since 1961. The territory restored its statehood in October 1, 2017, changed its name to Ambazonia. Visit the website below to read more.

  2. 5 hours ago

    to for conniving with dictator,tyrant and terroris of French cameroon ito commit crimes against humanity in Ambazonia.

  3. 5 hours ago

    to for conniving with dictator,tyrant and terroris of French cameroon ito commit crimes against humanity in Ambazonia.

  4. 22 hours ago

    Dictator of Cameroon garbaged all recommendations for dialogue and opted for daily genocide,bribing and corrupting foreign diplomats. please ask UK parliament to take military action against Cameroon.

  5. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    "18 Anglophones were transferred yesterday from Buea Central Prison to Kondengui Prison, Yaounde. These 18 detainees are currently detained in ‘Kosovo’, a section of Kondengui maximum security prison..kept in tight chains.. and tortured.." 👇

  6. Jul 3

    Ambazonians will never accept any form of Federation with French cameroon again not after their genocide on us.

  7. Jul 3

    We don't want to see the face of any Colonial administrators or politicians in and Ambazonians will never accept any form of Federation with French cameroon again. Not after their genocide on us.

  8. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    You cannot Kill my father, rape my sister, molest my mother, detain my brother unlawfully, burn my house and still call me your brothers or sister! FRENCH CAMEROON LEADERS STILL DREAMING WE’LL REMAIN “ONE CAMEROON” ARE RETARDED.

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  9. Jul 2

    Where was the UN at the beginning of the & crisis? Was busy receiving gifts and bribe.

  10. Jul 2

    Where was the UN at the beginning of the & crisis? Was busy receiving gifts and bribe.

  11. Jul 2

    We don't want to see the face of any French Cameroon's Colonial administrators in and Ambazonians will never accept any form of Federation with French cameroon again. Not after their genocide on us.

  12. Jul 2

    We don't want to see the face of any French Cameroon's Colonial administrators in and Ambazonians will never accept any form of Federation with French cameroon again not after their genocide on us.

  13. Jul 1

    Is the UN still monitoring the Rohingya & Southern Cameroonians aka crisis? Why is the UN not honest enough to solve the root causes of conflicts to avoid bloodshed?

  14. Jul 1

    Is the UN still monitoring the Rohingya & Southern Cameroonians aka crisis? Why is the UN not honest enough to solve the root causes of conflicts to avoid bloodshed?

  15. Jul 1

    Is the UN still monitoring the Rohingya & Southern Cameroonians aka crisis? Why is the UN unable to solve the root causes of conflicts to avoid bloodshed?

  16. Retweeted
    Jun 30
  17. Jun 29

    The entire UN administration under is very corrupt and bad.

  18. Jun 29
  19. Jun 29

    God bless you .However, please note that dictator & tyrant in power for 37 years knows nothing as dialogue but .He is an expert in lip cealing foreign diplomats concerned about his on British Cameroons aka Ambazonia with gifts and bribes.

  20. Jun 29

    God bless you .However, please note that dictator & tyrant in power for 37 years knows nothing as dialogue but .He is an expert in lip cealing foreign diplomats concerned about his on British Cameroons aka Ambazonia with gifts and bribes.

  21. Jun 29

    Ambazonians have no business again with French Cameroon,not after their on Ambazonians civilians. We don't want to see the face of any French cameroon politician or Colonial administrators in Ambazonia


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