
You blocked @EmmanuelMacron

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    Continuons de faire ensemble avancer la France : résumé du mois de juin. Regardez la suite sur ma chaine Youtube :

  2. Deux jours en Bretagne pour partager le quotidien de ses habitants. Revivez ce déplacement entre une matinée à la criée et... (déjà) un but de Kylian Mbappé :

  3. Sports can educate and empower people. I am a firm believer in the impact sport can have on each life and the future of a country. It’s time to invest in sports in Nigeria!

  4. Le Nigeria est un territoire plein d’avenir pour tous ceux qui sont prêts à créer leur chance. C’est le cas de ce jeune Nigérian de 15 ans. Il a pris son destin en main et a créé sa marque de t-shirt. Un modèle de détermination !

  5. As the Super Eagles are no longer in the competition, please support the French Team in the Football World Cup!

  6. Jul 4

    Gain insight into the new African identity by watching “Timbuktu” by Sissako, reading the works of the Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka and listening to the music of Youssou N’Dour.

  7. Jul 4

    60% of the Nigerian population is aged under 25. That’s 60% of the population which, like me, did not witness colonisation. We are the new generation. We are going to dispel prejudice by rebuilding a new future through culture.

  8. Jul 4

    Nobody has to decide Africa’s future. Our role is to help the new generation to seize opportunities and rise to the challenge. This is what underpins a new, balanced relationship.

  9. Jul 4

    Steve Jobs’ father was a Syrian refugee. It would seem that nationality has nothing to do with the ability to succeed. If you think that being an Nigerian means you can’t succeed then you won’t. If you fight and you do succeed you will be a role model!

  10. Jul 4

    We are facing migration. Helping Africa to succeed is good for Europe and France.

  11. Jul 4

    To young African entrepreneurs: never listen to people who are telling you to wait. If you believe in your projets: just do it right now!

  12. Jul 4

    Regarder « Timbuktu » de Sissako, lire les œuvres du Prix Nobel Wole Soyinka ou écouter les musiques de Youssou N’Dour, c’est avoir accès au nouveau récit sur l’identité africaine.

  13. Jul 4

    LIVE | L’Afrique d’aujourd’hui est une terre d’entrepreneurs qui créent un avenir pour leur continent. Échange avec les entrepreneurs nigérians à suivre en direct.

  14. Jul 4

    Inauguration de l’Alliance française au Nigeria, à Lagos qui sera le lieu de cette jeunesse nigériane et d’une culture partagée.

  15. Jul 4

    60% de la population nigériane a moins de 25 ans. C’est 60% de la population qui, comme moi, n’a pas connu la colonisation. Nous sommes la nouvelle génération. Nous allons dépasser les préjugés en reconstruisant par la culture.

  16. Jul 4

    This is African energy. The one I discovered here in Lagos when I was 23. The one I am glad to see is still thriving several years later. The one I hope many Europeans will get to know. The one that is far from the African prejudice of misery.

  17. Jul 3

    Very touched, congratulations to this young boy!

  18. Jul 3

    The Shrine is an iconic cultural hub. And I say with a lot of humility that I recognize the importance of African culture.

  19. Jul 3

    We have to understand why so many people are joining terrorism. We have to convey 2 messages: – Your government will provide security for you. – Your government will provide opportunities for you.

  20. Jul 3

    Democracy is never written in advance. I'm probably a good example of that.


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