SwissHumanAidUnitVerified account


Schweizerisches Korps für Hilfe - Le Corps suisse d'aide - Il Corpo svizzero di aiuto - Swiss Aid Unit

Joined August 2013


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  1. Protecting people affected by the political and socio-economic developments in and ; 🇨🇭increases emergency response provided in the border regions through additional financial contributions

  2. «217 human rights defenders have lost their lives in Colombia since the beginning of 2018.» An example of Switzerland's support of a project in -Interactive

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    Jun 25

    This Wednesday in , we'll be discussing prevention and response to -based violence in emergencies. Register to join us by 26/6:

    , , and 4 others
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  6. Principes Humanitaires, Ici et Maintenant. Les crises humanitaires dans le monde font la une des journeaux tous les jours. Lors de la Nuit des images, le 23 juin proain, nous vous proposons de porter un regard différent sur ces événements

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  8. is sheltering a very large number of . The SDC supports Tahaddi, a local NGO that works in a disadvantaged suburb in the south of . Read a first-hand insight into the daily life of a class

  9. End of mission for our team in east . In 8 days they provided 1,600T of water treatment chemicals, 34 chlorine-producing devices, medical equipment & reagents for hospitals on both sides of the contact-line. 4 Mio people will have access to clean drinking water for 1 year

  10. SDC supported in rehabilitating several schools in Rakhine State . Recently inaugurated, the schools are designed to resist extreme weather conditions such as & . This proved to be very useful after yesterday’s heavy rain

  11. Three years after the devastating earthquake, people are still rebuilding their homes in . SDC supports the implemented by which trains skilled masons and offers advice on earthquake-resistant construction techniques.

  12. We provided medical supplies and equipment which include treatments for in the Luhansk aera. The region has the highest incidence of the disease in Europe.

  13. Stadt & Land nachhaltig entwickeln: 2 Schweizer Schwerpunkte in 🌍 Das Engagement im Bereich Ernährungssicherheit und Stadtentwicklung von und steht an der Jahreskonferenz vom 29. Juni 2018 im Fokus. Anmeldung bis am 22. Juni 2018. ➡️

  14. Organizing such convoys requires good preparation. Earlier this year, some colleagues went to east. 🇺🇦 to prepare the ground for this 8th consignment. They also assessed the needs & the impact of previous 🇨🇭convoys. Watch their journey

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  15. Swiss aid convoys to eastern reach initial destinations. The aid deliveries are mainly comprised of water treatment chemicals and medical supplies and equipment. This includes treatments for in the Luhansk area.

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    May 13

    L’aide humanitaire 🇨🇭 dans la région sera au centre de ma visite dimanche et lundi en .

  20. Many villages in Papua New Guinea are still unreachable following the February and the resulting landslides. Switzerland supports airlift operations by to provide relief goods to communities in remote areas


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