Andrew StroehleinVerified account


European Media Director, Human Rights Watch, . Covering , xenophobic populism, media & conflict worldwide.

Brussels, Belgium
Joined November 2008


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    The road to authoritarianism: 1) degrade free media; 2) neuter civil society; 3) undermine rule of law; And do all this "for the people"

  2. 7m

    Hungary: We built a wall and the EU should pay for it. Brussels should not give in to Orban's hate-mongering agenda

  3. 25m

    Corpses washing up on Bangladesh riverbank; fears grow of atrocities committed by Myanmar forces across border

  4. 33m

    The says that ICE is abusing its clients because they are fighting Trump’s deportation machine

  5. 39m

    Philippine Prez Duterte admits his abusive “war on drugs” is unwinnable. His police murdered thousands… for what?

  6. Retweeted

    authorities are denying food deliveries to interned in Aung Mingalar, Sittwe, and internment camps.

  7. 1h

    A clear counterpoint to Trump’s empathy-free visit earlier in the week...

  8. 1h
  9. 1h

    On this day in 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Following Moscow's deal with the Nazis, Soviet Union invaded Poland a couple weeks later

  10. 12h
    Replying to

    Trump here is attacking people with deep ties to the US. Using the "Dreamers" as political pawns like this is just disgusting.

  11. 12h

    Terrible news, if true. Ripping families apart just to feed the hate of a diminishing base...

  12. 15h

    "They were cheering like it was a beach party"

  13. 15h

    Groper-in-chief's administration removes sexual violence report from White House website

  14. 16h

    "Let’s be blunt: With US and UK complicity, the Saudi government is committing war crimes in Yemen." -

  15. 16h

    Great thread here about a bizarre boomerang of history...

  16. 17h

    Madness... Hungary's Orban wants EU cash for border protection But he won't uphold EU values

  17. Retweeted
  18. Retweeted
    Replying to

    Worth remembering the occasion, because Walesa's legacy is under attack in his own country. I explained why here:

  19. Retweeted

    “he had not known the whereabouts or condition of his … brothers since 2012 when they were allegedly arrested by the State Security Service”

  20. Retweeted

    My brother is at Burning Man this week. I'm in Belgium at the Cat Litter Festival...

  21. Retweeted

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