Amnesty West AfricaVerified account


Let’s take injustice personally in West & Central Africa. / Faisons de l’injustice une affaire personnelle en Afrique de l’ouest et du centre.

West and Central Africa
Joined March 2015


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    Protesters injured due to police violence in Sierra Leone now live with severe health conditions. The police officers responsible for this have not been held accountable.

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  3. Thanks for having us tonight! Just to clarify: we are independent of any gov't, political ideology, economic interest or religion. We don't support or sponsor any armed group. We investigate & expose human rights violations in order to stop them, no matter who the perpetrator is.

  4. Jul 3

    Ghys Fortuné Dombé Bemba, editor of the privately owned newspaper Talassa, was today released from detention without charge, according to his lawyer.

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  5. Jul 3

    “President Bio of has made excellent promises about human rights. SLPP was a victim of restrictive freedom of peaceful assembly laws. Now they have a real opportunity to bring change”. Sabrina Mahtani , AI Researcher

  6. : Les défenseurs des droits humains détenus arbitrairement dont le procès débute aujourd’hui doivent être libérés immédiatement et sans condition.

  7. Jul 3

    “Without a real commitment for accountability there won’t be any reform that gives the police force that the country deserves” Sabrina Mahtani, Waro researcher ?

  8. In the last 10 years, 9 people have been killed due to police violence in Sierra Leone during peaceful protests. Yet no officer (from the cases we’ve documented) has been held accountable. Our full report:

  9. Protest is a right. Using excessive force on people is wrong. At least 9 people have been killed by the police in the last 10 years in Sierra Leone.

  10. Tomorrow we launch our report: "A Force for Good? Restrictions on peaceful assembly and impunity for excessive use of force by the Sierra Leone police in Freetown. DM for more press inquiries.

  11. Jul 2

    64 000 signatures pr la libération de 2 militants antiesclavagistes, dont une partie remise en BE Moussa Biram et Abdallahi Matallah Saleck sont détenus & torturés depuis 2a pour avoir dénoncé l'injustice en doit réagir:

  12. Today +64000 activists worldwide demand the release of Abdellahi and Moussa who have been detained for 2 years in a remote prison, 1200 kms from Nouakchott (), with no possibility of getting visits from their lawyers or loved ones.

  13. Aujourd'hui, +64000 activistes dans le monde exigent la libération d'Abdellahi et Moussa détenus depuis deux ans dans une prison éloignée, à 1200 km de Nouakchott sans possibilité de visite de leurs avocats ou de leurs proches.

  14. ICYMI: A few weeks ago, we published our report "A Turn for the Worse" on the ongoing violent crisis in Cameroon's North West and South West regions. has produced a detailed documentary on the crisis :

  15. Jun 27

    Les autorités doivent cesser d’utiliser le fragile contexte sécuritaire pour restreindre le droit à la liberté d’expression et museler des voix critiques.

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  16. Jun 27

    Ce matin s'ouvre à Ouaga, le procès de l'activiste en ligne Naïm Toure. Suite à un post Facebook critique, on l'accuse " démoralisation des forces de défense et de sécurité, complot contre la sureté de l’Etat et   incitation à troubles à l’ordre public".

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  17. Our hour for questions and answers is up! Thank you everyone for the questions you've sent. We did our best to answer those who've come up several times through the hashtag.

  18. Address deeply-entrenched human rights violations, such as marginalization and exclusion, to prevent the escalation of the crisis and the resurgence of other social conflicts that often generate violence.

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  19. 1) Restore the confidence between state representatives and the Anglophone communities by initiating an inclusive dialogue and consult with Anglophone population to address their concerns;

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  20. We did make 2 recommendations to the Cameroonian authorities calling on the to promote dialogue.

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