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UNHCR Syria Retweeted
750,000 lives in danger in south-west
#Syria from fighting, airstrikes and heavy shelling. 320,000 displaced.@RefugeesChief gravely concerned for civilians caught in the crossfire … via@refugeesThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#Syria, local communities have opened their doors to host many of the displaced who fled the ongoing hostilities, yet many still live in open spaces or in makeshift shelters that offer little#safety and#protection The majority of displaced ppl r#women Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
I was back in
#Douma#Syria today with@UNinSyria team to assess needs & deliver 42 trucks of humanitarian aid. Amidst destruction, people are slowly returning & beginning to pull together whatever they are left with. Amazing resilience, enormous needs & much more aid this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
More than 320,000 ppl have been displaced by the recent violence in South West
#Syria. 750,000 lives are in danger "Thousands of innocent lives are going to be lost, once again, if urgent action is not taken." Read@RefugeesChief statement on SW Syria: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
"Thousands of innocent lives are going to be lost, once again, if urgent action is not taken." Statement of
@RefugeesChief on SW#Syria where: -750,000 lives are in danger. -320,000 displaced + dire conditions -60,000 camped at border w Jordan … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
"هناك خطر يتهدد حياة ما يقدر بـ 750,000 شخص، ويوجد أكثر من 320,000 شخص الآن في عداد النازحين، يعيش معظمهم في ظروف مريعة وغير آمنة". اطلعوا على بيان المفوض السامي غراندي
@RefugeesChief حول الوضع في جنوب غرب#سوريا.
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UNHCR Syria Retweeted
My statement of today on the critical situation of civilians in South-West Syria.
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UNHCR Syria Retweeted
@RefugeesChief Filippo Grandi is gravely concerned about the civilian population caught in the crossfire in south-west Syria, including airstrikes and heavy shelling. An estimated 750,000 lives are in danger. His statement
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UNHCR Syria Retweeted
ما هي البلدان التي تستضيف العدد الأكبر
#اللاجئين حول العالم؟
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Most of the families arriving to Jbab camp in northern
#Deraa have been displaced not once but twice and arriving with no belongings. Thru@UNHCRinSYRIA local partners, we continue to provide life-saving assistance to ease their suffering during these harsh Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Adnan Kadro, 55, was a carpenter in
#Afrin, but now he’s displaced in Oqaiba village in northern rural of Aleppo. Adnan needs an urgent eye surgery that can only be done in Aleppo city. “Help us, he’s the only person left for me in this life,” Said his Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Ben Stiller
@RedHourBen as our newest@Refugees Goodwill Ambassador. Join us in welcoming Ben to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
I was back in
#Douma#Syria today with@UNinSyria team to assess needs & deliver 42 trucks of humanitarian aid. Amidst destruction, people are slowly returning & beginning to pull together whatever they are left with. Amazing resilience, enormous needs & much more aid this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@UN multi-functional teams was on the groud w/ UN/SARC Inter-Agency convoy to#Douma led by@UNHCRinSyria representative@Malik_Sajjad to assess people’s needs to enhance humanitarian this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#Now@UN &@SYRedCrescent reached ppl in need in#Douma#EastGhouta w/food, health,education, WASH& core relief item, complimenting the 10-June convoy for 60,000 ppl Assistance includes UNHCR’s plastic sheets, blankets, kitchen Sets & solar lamp to cover the needs of 25,000 this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
على الأرض في
#سوريا، فرق برنامج الأغذية العالمي وشركاءه من المنظمات الأممية والهلال الأحمر العربي السوري يوصلون مساعدات غذائية وإنسانية طارئة لـ 25 الف شخص في دوما.#الغوطة_الشرقية Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
UNHCR Syria Retweeted
Loves a cup of tea
Refugee Spend a day with Abbas in Brussels
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UNHCR Syria Retweeted
Almost 1,000 refugees and migrants have perished while being smuggled across the Mediterranean this year. UNHCR and
@UNmigration issue a joint appeal to European Union countries for action to reduce needless loss of life at sea. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#JoinUNHCR team worldwide! UNHCR is looking for candidates to fill a number of positions which are targeted at experienced professionals in various functional areas. Please visit for details on#vacancies The deadline is 12 July 2018, 00:00 Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
For these
#children, little support makes a positive difference in their lives! With the#Summer heat on the rise, living in 1-room is becoming unbearable for the 10 family members UNHCR provided them, along w/ 200 families in one neighborhood in Hama city w/ rechargeable Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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